Friday, October 7, 2022

Scattered Energy

I felt a lot of scattered energy all throughout the day today. When I first woke up I felt like I had some pretty good focus. I had some Alpha meditation but when I stopped to take a BP measurement, it was through the roof, like it was a year ago. Then again I realize I had not followed healthy eating patterns all week long. It was like something was bugging me and making me anxious. Even after I tried to identify those very things when I was meditating first thing. It seemed like a lot of things were going through my mind and bugging me, and instead of simply stopping and trying to raise my vibration, I just gave into emotions, negative or otherwise. And maybe that's ok. Sometimes to process stuff, you just have to be ok to feel it at the moment. And not judge. Which pretty much went on throughtout the day. Every ping I got from an email or chat seemed to raise an irritated reaction. Even certain pings from certain people automatically drew an irritated response.  Which means I simply wanted to be left alone at the moment. And just BE. And not to have to do anything. And that's ok. It means I needed some ME TIME. Probably because my Higher Self probably knows I will be otherwise occupied the rest of the weekend already dealing with other people's energies. And starting tonight even as I got invited to dinner at Lisa's with Mel and Jacob and Joyanna. Funny how as the pandemic eases, contacts with old friends are slowly but surely returning, even those friends that were mostly Lisa's and when we were still married. Now it's all about getting to know the new US I suppose LOL. Anyway I posted a pic of me trying to meditate and get centered pretty much all through the morning. And I took a shower at Lisa's house. I don't know why really. I could have easily took a shower in mine. And you know I had to clean up after myself to make it look like I wasn't even there. And still I went there to shower. Felt better afterwards. Maybe that was it? I still did manage to attend the FRB Birthday video party, foregoing an afternoon nap in the process. And that was ok because I had a good sleep last night. I did notice I booked a tee time for next Sunday as a reflex action, forgetting momentarily that we're going to be at Disneyland all day that day.
And so I dealt with the scattered energy by focusing by rote on work stuff. I could get started early on timecards and the HRSA data and stuff. Pretty soon, it was already time to pick up Johnnie from school. It was pajama day for him today, a reward for his entire class for doing so well. That's 2 straight days of cool, fun things they get to do. We had enough time so I could give him some chicken and rice. You never know what Lisa's timetable for dinner tonight is like, especially when she has visitors over. This way, I am SURE he is fed no matter what happens. Me? I will fend for myself too no matter what. The Studers are one of those couples Lisa chose to keep her strong friendship bonds with. This despite what they believe and do in terms of their Christian fundamental beliefs. Lisa and I have basically abhorred religion in general, but at least the Studers are respectful about it with us at least and they are a great example of people coming together despite their differences in beliefs and methods. At the end of the day, we can still chill and find commonalities, in this case, Jacob and I can always talk Star Wars all day long. Our dogs are brother and sister too and believe me they were the loudest and the most excited <really more Claire than anything>. I can't believe how different they are in size though. Kevin, their dog, not what you'd call a small dog. And Claire is TINY in comparison. Johnnie and Joyanna seemed to have fun playing too and Johnnie immediately started constructing a House underneath the table that they could sleep in later on. Not that the evening didn't have any tests. I picked up the Thai food and went straight to House of Thai taste right down the block. And asked for the order and found one that matched.  I sat there for 10 whole minutes and then the person that made the order picked up the one I thought was ours. WHAT? It was the same order! It turned out that Lisa ordered at Ekkamai Thai down the block. And I had already paid and everything! Damn! Talk about IRRITATED. Another lesson. But I managed to feel what I felt, got angry all I wanted but hey it was really a freak kind of error wasn't it? I really couldn't even blame Lisa. I was just late coming back is all. Still, Lisa had brought home lots of food for Tin's last day at her office. And so we had Thai food, Johnnie had chicken satay, there was the leftover steak from last night, AND chicken kabobs from Panini Grill. A fine dinner was had by all. And I even did most of the dishes until 8:30 at which time I went on home. Yes I had weird energy all day. But I managed to get through it all. It was all good.

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