Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Routine Just Like I Like It

I kept telling myself when I woke up this morning, this is just another ordinary Tuesday. And then I remembered that in the moment of it all, nothing is ordinary. It is simply what you observe and experience. And it is all what you choose it to be. Kind of deep for a Tuesday morning isn't it? This Tuesday I am headed to the office, simply because of a mandatory Management Sexual Harassment training. And on the drive there, which was trafficky at 8:45 AM, I focused on an eezy-peezy kind of day. I mean there IS that meeting but all I gotta do is pretty much spend the morning there and pay attention. Nothing hard at all. It isn't even work really. AND we get a bagel and cream cheese too. Haven't had that in a while. Used to be bacon cream cheese and tomato would be a breakfast staple. But it's been months since I had that. Funny thing was that I could have gone immediately home after the training. But it was 11:30 already. So I made Faith Lee buy me lunch at the FRB Cafeteria. Thay had a beef brisket that was way too fatty. But then again isn't straight up beef and fat better for you than carbs? Or at least gets one's body to ketosis? Do I really want that though? There may still be some kind of correlation to all that bleeding I experienced in July and the straight up keto diet I was on at the time. These days back to a more normal eating just to put on a little more weight, no issues. Look at the pic I took of me running up and down a ramp just so I could get up to 120+ bpm with my heart rate. I thought all that activity PLUS the keto diet did not-so-good things to my body. Now, today, the steps are a non-event. Just part of the daily routine, and what I do in order to keep my body in good shape. Back to the notion of an eezy-peezy day, I did have stuff to follow up on although most were not work-related. I do have to meet with QueensCare tomorrow to help them implement Penelope Case Management but I was pretty confident I could almost do that one on the fly. Hope I'm right.
And so I cruised through the day and when it was time to pick up Johnnie, it was already well past 5 PM. Funny when I focus on stuff I need to do, I find myself getting distracted by other tasks I also need to get done but had put off for a bit. Today it was pictures of Johnnie in his online scrapbook. A requirement of the adoption if I do say so myself and mostly for the benfit of his birth mom FeiFei. I was not surprised to realize that that online site had more than 500 pictures of Johnnie in it. Maybe he himself will find it amusing in the future. But this being a Tuesday I waited to pick him up until late so he could have a respite from playing basketball for more than an hour this afternoon. And when I picked him up he was still sweaty. No big deal since off we went to Panda Express Westwood from there. And I had a bowl alongside his. I didn't have to, I had plenty of food at home. Just felt like it I guess. Look at the other pic of Johnnie and I in the car. Just your average Tuesday. I had already made chocolate chip cookies as soon as I had gotten home earlier so all I had to do was have a chill evening. What better place to spend it than at the hot tub. Except that there was somebody in the small tub by my apartment. We had to go to the big one across the street. And Johnnie brought his chromebook so he could do some Prodigy Math games while relaxing (his own words). For some reason, the water started to drain though and the level got down to half what it was originally. That was odd. Still, Johnnie got to hang out in the tub for almost 45 minutes. And then we walked on home. I was thinking out loud to myself that if we were to continue to do this through the winter we will have to get Johnnie something warm in terms of a bathrobe of something, especially if we have to walk across the street. But not tonight. It wasn't warm anymore, fall is in the air. But Johnnie didn't seem to notice. All it meant was that he would get a second shower today and he won't have to have one in the morning. A good thing. He didn't have to go to bed early either. He has no school tomorrow. I guess I have to bring him to work with me. All good.

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