Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Working Hard on Tuesday

I reminded myself this morning that people at work may be wanting lots more stuff than usual because of the holiday break. What holiday break you ask? People taking off not that there actually is a break. Heck we were even thinking about taking off ourselves for a couple of weeks. Now those plans were skunked when Lisa contracted COVID but certainly lots of other folks are taking off. I just decided that I wasn't going to let my ego get bothered whatever people asked of me and however they asked it. I reminded myself that I had an extra $4K just last Friday from unused vacation days that for sure pushed my cash on hand to over $100K. I mean when someone has over $100,000 in cash I think they would be doing just fine. Specifically, that represents over a year of income should something drastic happen. I'm taken care of no matter what. And that does feel good. I can just be dad dropping his kid off at school like this morning, watching his kids play and goof around with his friends. I don't have many memories of those for myself. Maybe it's because it was so long ago LOL, although I do note that my oldest friend and I still text each other every now and again (that would be Karl of course) though we haven't actually seen each other in person in a couple of years now. In the meantime my agenda for today was pretty straightforward. I need to get my content done for the Communications Meeting tomorrow. Though I have no shortage of content to present I still have to gather my thoughts. Then of course there were those other pings I talked about. Eloisa looking for data that ended up not being collected after all though her request and subsequent ping about it had Shilpa all excited and in urgent mode. I was more annoyed than triggered really and it was just a slight annoyance actually. Most of the time it's all about telling folks what is really going on and nothing is ever as easy as it seems on the surface. If it is, the response would almost always be instantaneous almost. Not Eloisa's request it turned out. It was something we couldn't do though she made it sound like it was life or death by tomorrow. They always do that don't they LOL. All you can do is the best you can
And so this being a Tuesday I actually had a pretty productive meeting with my EHR team in the morning about that EPIC Signal report. And now that I officially moved my meeting to mid-afternoon on Tuesdays it became my turn to be jerk of a manager. I basically bullied Sheng because yet again he irked me by not paying attention. Or so I perceived. I don't think he is as sharp as Kennedy was and is but I listened to my crew and here we are. It wasn't like I had much of a choice anyway considering my options at the time. Let's just say it wasn't my best hire and leave it at that. I guess it is up to me to manage. And God knows I'm not an easy manager. But I hope my team helps him too in how to deal with me. Yes I'm a jerk at times but I'm fair I think. Or I try to be. Anyway it wasn't like his indecision cost me like Noriel did in the summer. And really all I needed to do for work today was get my content ready for tomorrow's meeting. Which I did. And so by 4 PM I was ready to pick up Johnnie and start my real work day LOL. Except I didn't exactly make it at 4 PM. I was busy dealing with all that report stuff for Eloisa. Could it be that i was irritated at her as a parallel to being irritating like I was with Sheng? Something to think about. Anyway I didn't pick up Johnnie until it was 4:30 PM already. Which meant I had to not do Taco Tuesday tacos. Oh well. I have a lot of food at home anyway. Still didn't stop me from heading us to Panda Express Westwood. We hadn't gone there in a really long time. And so I figured we'd eat there just like it was Tuesday 2 or 3 years ago. And I had orange chicken too. I note that I'm back to eating regular stuff again. I know I can always flip back to the way I ate in the summer if my numbers go awry or if I start feeling less than optimal. I had a bowl same as Johnnie and it didn't feel like it was enough. That meant I had reverted to eating more. At least I kept it to a sausage and pineapple thin crust pizza. And for the 2nd night in a row, I had Johnnie go to bed at 8:30 PM. I didn't go to sleep at that time mind you. I was watching the HBO series WARRIOR. And prepped myself mentally for the Communications meeting first thing.  It's ok. It's the only heavy lift left for the week I thought. All good.

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