Saturday, December 17, 2022

Me Day

So with no plans to take care of Johnnie today, I got myself a ME DAY. I wouldn't say it was much needed but I did feel like I needed some sort of RESET due to the imbalances, emotional, mental or otherwise that I detected all throughout the week. I did some meditation as early as I could and started watching whatever video would come up within the subject matter I usually watch by myself on Youtube. Youtube is good that way. I ended up watching a video from Gregg Braden regarding fractal time and how he developed an algorithm that could help you determine the patterns in your life after which you can then decide on a course of action for healing said patterns. I was skeptical until I did the algorithm for to test it. I entered the time I left Cedars-Sinai all the way back in the year 2000. I was 39. And his fractal time calculator gave me an age of 63.1 for a repeating pattern. Hmmm. Does that mean I leave for another job in September 2024? I would like to think that that would be unlikely considering how much I am trying to replace my current job income with passive income so I can retire. I then tried the year I started working for Cedars Sinai which was in late December 1993. Hard to believe that was nearly 30 years ago. I was trying to determine if there was a recurring pattern between myself trying to be an entrepreneur with real estate, but then having to file for bankruptcy because I did not know how to use credit correctly <financial lesson>. I also remember getting my hours reduced at General Dynamics and not really looking to hard for another job, which somewhat reminded me of 2006 when I got let go by the USC Dental School and trying to do the stock market at first and then started looking for another job. That was all I knew. That was what I did well. And I was not going to go back to stuff like selling advertising for small businesses <remember the fax advertising thing?> I had no patience for those kinds of things though I think in order to actually accomplish what I want to do, I'm going to have to give it another try, and this time learn how to focus and execute a system. There were always other distractions. The big one in 2006 being a new relationship with Lisa at the time. I think there is still lots of stuff I need to clean up and clear don't I?
So it was that I did do some inner work today. But I wanted to make sure I had a real R&R Day. And so I decided to go to the movies to watch the new AVATAR movie which I had been waiting for all year. It was going to be a long one and I chose the 1:45 showing at Century City. I parked near my old apartment on Beverly Glen and decided to walk to the mall (1) because I didn't want to deal with parking and (2) I really needed to walk since I hadn't done any physical activity at all throughout the morning. And so it was that I got my steps in and did my activity minutes. And I had some ramen at the food court before the movie. As far as the movie itself, it did not disappoint. Not me anyway. It was a long one too. By the time the movie was done it was already past 5 PM and dark outside. Wow. I had stuck around that long? I decided I might as well have dinner at the mall too since I was already here. I had some beef koubideh from Massis kabob. And decided to to get some shopping done while I was here. Not for anyone else obviously. I could use another hoodie actually. My stuff is so dated and old. The only hoodie I wear is the one I got from a Thanksgiving run... way back in 2005! That is 17 years ago for crying out loud! I'm surprised the thing had held up. Oh of course it did, I hardly use it. Off I went to H&M to get a new hoodie. And then walked back to my car. I note that I had passed some familiar landmarks in the mall. There was Toscanova restaurant. How many times did Lisa and I eat here back in the day when I could still talk her into going out to have dinner.  Of course other places weren't there anymore either.  But for me it was nice just to get around the Century City mall during Christmas time, especially since I hadn't done it in many years, not even before the pandemic made it impossible to do so. I mean there were singing shows and everything. And even a section that looked like old school Hogwarts stuff in Harry Potter movies. All very very cool. And so you could say that I had a pretty good time with all the ME time this afternoon. By the time I was done I was already at 50+ active minutes and already at 600 minutes for the week. Like I don't even have to play golf tomorrow and I had already met my goal for the week. And it was only 7 PM. But then I was feeling pretty tired. Maybe it was all that walking OR maybe it was all the internal work stuff that I think I do need to process still. I just spent the rest of the evening watching TV. Nothing in particular really, just old stuff. Person of Interest, stuff I had already watched. Even some Christmas stuff.  All in all  spending a huge chunk of time at the mall was pretty good today. It did felt a little old school as in I felt like I was back in 2005 and I was single and trying to entertain myself for the weekend. But as rare as this things go anymore these days, I will take it.

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