Sunday, December 4, 2022

First Golf then Learning

Golf at Harbor this morning and it ended up being just Scott and I at 9:30 AM which is the most ideal because we could simply play and practice. I had already done visualizations this morning with the added exercises of being the ball traveling when hitting shots. My very first shot was total crap but from then I settled down and basically hit good combinations the rest of the way even from the first tee. That meant that the combination of first and second shots pretty much ended up getting me near the green and still on the fairway. Hole 1 I was already pin level but way off to the left, Hole 2 I was 140 and still on the left side of the fairway. I blasted the 3rd shot all the way pin level too but also way to the left. Adjustment time right? But at least I had started with 2 6s. On the third hole I finally shot bogey with 2 nice first 2 shots again. Already I could tell that I needed to focus on making the shot from 100 yards out or less. Hole 4 I shanked the first shot but the 2nd shot was a blast that got me 50 yards from the green even with the dog-leg left. The long hole 5 got me a great first shot but in front of a tree. Still I was 60 yards to the right of the green. But I got distracted and off rhythm and blew the shot to the green. Hole 6 I shot way right off the tee, but dropped an 8-iron 20 feet from the hole. It was an amazing chip. But I blew the par putt and the putt after. Missed opportunity. Hole 7 I blasted my tee shot 180 yards and then got in front of the hole after 3. But again missed the bogey putt. Missed opportunity #2. Finally on hole 8 I got a legit bogey for 2 pts. And on Hole 9 I had my best shot off the tee. But blew my 2nd and 3rd shot. Oh well, I didn't think I put together enough combinations. I coulda woulda had 5 points which would have been a pretty ok game. Oh well. The problem today was that I simply didn't focus on the shot and outcome that I want and got too nervous and anxious. I could sense it but I couldn't and didn't slow myself down before those bad shots. Need more practice practice practice. 
The thing that happened at the golf course today that I practically ignored and acted as if nothing happened was that my golf cart <or should I say Lisa's old golf cart> broke. Or at least it was broken when I pulled it out of the trunk. The wheel kept breaking off. I couldn't use it anymore. I was not going to push a broken golf cart for even one hole. And so I had to rent a push cart and left my golf cart near the first tee. I was thinking I was going to pick it up after the golf game but really I didn't care. And when I got done with Hole 9 and looked for it, it was gone. Somebody had taken it. Sigh. Oh well. The thing was broken anyway so I didn't really care all that much. But it used to be a nice cart that had served me well for more than a year. And now it is time to get a new one. I was going to give it to Scott, but it was too broken I thought. And I bought a new one from Walmart. And I am probably going to give it to Scott for no other reason than I hate to see him dragging his clubs all over the place and I know he's too cheap to get one on his own LOL. What are friends for? Besides I'm feeling generous for this time of year LOL. So I got golf all done and then I had lunch at Bristol Farms Playa del Rey. I had the tri-tip sandwich this time only because I was still tired of eating turkey from Thanksgiving. I wish I had the turkey. I was incorporating a little more beef into my diet this time and I even had a piece of roast from one of those sampler stands they had. But again I wish I had stuck to the white meat. On my way home I thought it was just a week ago that I was at this very place at the very same time from James' birthday party with Johnnie. No Johnnie today obviously and that's ok. Instead I went home and binge watched Star trek Strange New Worlds some more until I finished the first season.  Gotta love all the familiar Trelk characters. Even an appearance by James T Kirk LOL. I also caught the Lakers winning another game. Looks like they have found a groove finally. Wouldn't you know it would be AFTER I watched them play in person? That's ok. I will see them again for sure. What I didn't do tonight was work. I know, its timecard day and HRSA survey week and I surely have a lot to do. I didn't care. No need to push. Not right now. Instead I had my hot tea and chilled on the couch. And it was all good. I posted the pic of the complex next to mine with the Christmas lights up. it's that time of year. 

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