Saturday, December 10, 2022

Johnnie Day

Lisa is working today so I have Johnnie for most of the day. Routine Johnnie Saturday usually meant breakfast at Elysee and then grocery shopping and then whatever else came up.  I was thinking I'd do some basketball drills with him actually since tomorrow is his evaluations for the Mar Vista basketball league. When I walked into Lisa's house I immediately realized that those plans were already out the window. First of all, I saw a plate of pancakes out and they were for Johnnie. Lisa had to wolf a couple of those down of course since she was needing to get to work by 8 AM and it was, of course, near 8 AM already. By the time Lisa left and I washed the dishes <of course> I thought I might as well get some stuff out of the way. I was actually going to bring my bed quilt and wash it here but I didn't want to make a fuss. Now Lisa has also asked me to bring Claire to her grooming appointment at 11 AM. Ok then, I decided since I'm going to commit the morning to being around here, might as well GET my beddings washed. And so Johnnie and I got the sheets, got it in the washer, and then went back again to get MY breakfast from McDonald's and hung out at the apartment until it was time to bring Claire to the groomer. I made Johnnie some bacon since I knew he ate considerably more for breakfast than just 1 piece of pancake and hot cocoa I made him some eggs too. And I had TWO sausage McMuffin's myself. By the time we got back to Lisa's house we had made a stop at Trader Joe's to get some of Lisa's essentials and I had put the bed stuff in the dryer and Johnnie had watched some Netflix. So I got stuff done anyway. Johnnie had it in his mind that he was going to have a Happy Meal for lunch if only to get a Hasbro game that was the toy of the month. He got Jenga too. Awesome. With that and some pasta, and with a filet-of-fish, I guess we also didn't do the usual Panda Express at lunch either. And that was ok. Even with Johnnie in the house, I caught up with my journal and got the rest of my laundry done. But no question it was great that I got to put clean beddings on since it had been quite a while since I washed them. Not since the summer at least, and early summer at that. In the meantime, Johnnie was entertained plenty with a new movie he discovered <Back to the Outback> and before 1 PM, we had headed back to Lisa's house so we could pick up Claire. The grooming was pretty uneventful, but definitely much needed as well as Claire looked great and smelled clean afterwards. I think he was happy to be back in my apartment too, although that could merely be that she didn't really want to be left alone anymore.
I realized that I hadn't had Johnnie for a Saturday for the last few weeks. Not since before Thanksgiving even and so I figured we'd do a movie, we'd play a game, and basically focus on quality time.  For the movie we did Black Panther. What I did not expect was how upset Johnnie would get when T'Challah lost to Killmonger and basically was left for dead. He was so upset he started to cry. And told me this was the worst movie ever.  Boy who knew he'd get emotional over this?? Was he upset because the good guy lost? I told him this was momentary and that good guys win in the end, but may actually have to take a few turns in order to do so. I did manage to calm him down and get him to watch the rest of the movie. And then we played Jenga from his Happy Meal and then we ended up in the spa for a good chunk of the afternoon. Yes it was a bit chilly outside. In fact, it looked like rain and I knew for sure rain was already on the forecast for tomorrow. But Johnnie wanted to chillax. And I felt like I could use some relaxing myself anyway. And so off to the spa we went and we managed to do quality time there. WAs it cold out? Not if you were in the spa it wasn't. If anything, at least Lisa wouldn't be needing to shower him for later on. It had actually been a while since Johnnie and I had hung out in the spa on a weeknight and I actually wanted him to try his robe I bought for him a month ago. And so we got done and pretty soon it was time for dinner. Which meant I ended up having Johnnie for most of the day and for 3 meals today LOL. That's the longest. I made him Trader Joe's pizza for dinner and he had 2 of those mini-pizzas in fact.  I had some chicken potstickers for appetizers and later on I would have the barramundi for dinner. AND a veggie pizza on thin crust too. Lisa picked up Johnnie around 6 PM today which was perfectly fine since she apparently had to do soccer league paperwork. I don't know why she's still playing in that league actually. She doesn't seem like she's having fun. But that's all Lisa. When she picked him up, she let me know that she now has an extra spot for her office Christmas party tomorrow and she and the rest of the office unanimously asked to invite me. I am touched actually. It had been many years since I last went to a Kederian DDS Christmas party. At least 5 years to be exact in 2017. And I had memories of being cold outdoors after the dinner waiting for Lisa to wind it down.  I did not have a good time. But maybe 5 years has erased that? I can at least appreciate that he office staff invited me, God knows Lisa wouldn't have and that was perfectly ok actually. It's not like I do anything for her office <sarcasm>. And so with no golf tomorrow because of the rain I made plans to be at Johnnie's basketball evals. Quite looking forward to that actually. It's another dad moment to follow up today. 

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