Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Start of the Holiday Festivities

Now that we're somewhat normal in terms of getting together face to face again, seeming uptick in Covid infections lately notwithstanding, this year we're starting to do Holiday parties again. Next week we'll be doing the potluck at the FRB. Tonight though kicks it off with the QueensCare holiday get-together at the California Club downtown. I had been attending this one since I started at QC. And though a little bit on the stuffy side, I mean c'mon it is the California Club after all, it's still nice to see your management peers all duded up for the occasion. But before that I had to arrange to bring Johnnie to Lisa's office early and then pick him up again, presumably after Lisa plays soccer tonight <why she's even playing a week removed from COVID and still feeling symptoms I don't know but that's just Lisa> AND I still had to go to the FRB to do my workday. And finally finally finally I got there early, got my croissant breakfast and Earl Grey hot tea and put my head down and actually got a significant amount of work done. Signal report done. Statement of work and description for Dragon? Done. Touch base with the Data Team? Done. And I even managed to sit down and have lunch with Barbara and Sister Ruth just like in many lunches past. By the time I took off for home it was already well past 2 PM. Uh-oh. I had lots to do still. I had it in my mind that I was going to make lunch for Johnnie. Ok Ok I'll say it. You can never trust Lisa to be in the right state of mind to actually think about Johnnie first when she's at her office. And so I wanted to make sure he was fed. I made him penne and used the broth Lisa gave me from Monday. I made lots of it too. And if I was bringing Johnnie food, Lisa would be butt hurt for sure if I didn't bring HER anything. Even Johnnie said as much. And so I stopped at Whole Foods to get HER some sushi and soup. And THEN I still had to go home and do one last meeting... the agenda for the HIT Roundtable at 4 PM. That one literally knocked me for a loop because by the time I got done I still had to go get Johnnie and drop him off. I was hoping to do that by 3:30. Now it was nearly 5 PM by the time I got him to Lisa's. I will not make it on time to be sure. Sigh. 
Still... make it I did. By 6 pM. To the party that started at 5:30 PM. That wasn't so bad. And I parked on the street and literally ran there from 8th and Hope. Hey I had to get my steps in right LOL. I sat with the QueensCare folks, socializing with Erica and her plus one and Christina and her plus one. A different cast of characters from parties past to be sure. Still, that filet was amazing. And I had turkey too. As it was I stuck around until almost 8 PM! That's the longest I had ever stuck around for this thing. And it was nice to be up and about and seeing people face to face again. happy Holidays!!
Footnote: I picked up Johnnie at Lisa's at 8:45 PM. Almost bedtime by the time I got him back to the apartment. You know Johnnie.. he sticks to schedule and routine. And he was asleep in no time. 

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