Thursday, December 1, 2022


The first day of December and we are now looking square at the holiday season coming up. But before anything I start my post with the vid of children at play, in this case Johnnie and his classmates with their unbridled ability to create play with literally nothing at their disposal but their folders and the leaves on the ground LOL. They were merely creating a joke about the word LEAF itself. As in "LEAF me alone". I had to smile at that and remind myself to keep that mentality of everything merely a movie or a play and that I am the Director. I dropped Claire off at Lisa's right after dropping Johnnie off, this being her day off and needing a little bit of company. Spontaneously I ended up having breakfast with Lisa actually, as she offered me some of the apple crisp she made last Tuesday and some Earl Grey tea. And we just had a nice breakfast conversation which was a bit of a surprise for me. A far better memory than some of the other interactions between she and I to be sure and I am making sure to collect these too. Of course after that I had to go back home and let myself get sucked in to the day-to-day of work. In this case, my EHR Team Meeting where I merely reviewed what I had already sent them from yesterday. It does feel like I'm way ahead of where people are in their thinking and it is part of my job to help them keep up or at least not to get too far ahead where people think I'm running amuck LOL. And then right after that a Zoom meeting with HRSA that Eloisa our CEO sort of scheduled for us to attend. Yeah all the Directors attended the meeting. Not really all that useful to me truth be told but hey I'll play along. It helped pass the time until lunch anyway LOL. 
In the afternoon was more of the same, some lingering issues that has been out there that I thought I had already found solutions too. OCHIN calling me about the whole ACSI security thing. Little did they know I had already opened that door a couple of weeks ago. People are concerned with covering their butts, and maybe rightfully so but as for me I'm just looking for a way to move forward. Fortunately I didn't let any of this stuff affect me and really just focused on picking up Johnnie from school, doing his Spanish class and then making him dinner. Tonight is chicken and rice night after all. And then it is hand-off night. I now know that all this stuff from work is just a part of me that wants to keep my occupied and somehow getting me off-balance. I mean do I really care that I have all these tasks I'm responsible for? I KNOW I get them done if I just hand it off to the Universe. They do get done LOL. And in the order that serves me. THAT is how I counteract the impatience and annoyance that comes up when I get pinged relentlessly. I have to be just as relentless in watching my own reactions, making sure I don't give them any emotional weight really. Instead I focus on the mundane, in this case Johnnie's JOB SHEET which he has learned to make all the time. I don't know where he got this actually. It couldn't possibly be me could it? It's a descriptive list of an identity really and it is quite interesting. It describes something he wants to be, coupled with elements of his life around that identity. It's almost like visualizing isn't it?! Curious that he even listed Brooklyn as his WIFE in this job sheet! I posted it for posterity obviously, even keeping the date. It will be interesting conversation in the future to be sure. Lisa ended up picking up the kid and the dog around 6:15 on her way back from Claire's appointment to get treated for fleas. I had already been to the same place getting dog food for her earlier. And so the hand-off was just about as uneventful as it could ever get, and a MODEL of what hand-offs should be! It got done so early I had time to catch up on steps and got to 11,000 fairly easily. I note that I'm already well past 400 active minutes already and it's only Thursday. And so it was that I got to go to bed early-ish again tonight. Not like previous nights. But at least I didn't binge watch anything and got to sleep earlier than midnight. It is good enough.

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