Friday, December 16, 2022

A Holiday Timemarker

So today's version of Friday felt like a time marker for me. Maybe it was because I thought I was going to be taking some time off the later part of this month and mentally I thought I'd be checking out right around this time. Or maybe Im mentally fatigued and want to check out anyway. As it was, Johnnie is checking out today. At least for 2022. It's his last day of school before winter break and they're actually being let out early. But I can't pick him up early just yet. That's because today I'm taking out my IS Team and EHR team for our holiday lunch. We're all meeting up for lunch at El Cholo's downtown, same place I took them to last year. I figured $300 of my own money for the group was plenty good enough. After all, I simply wanted to show my team my appreciation for all the hard work they do. None of them may be perfect, but they try hard for me. Someone's best is all I ask. I also note that one of the things that make me wary about trusting Eloisa is that once you get on her list, she simply won't see your value. Larry is one of those guys. Ever since that time when we were implementing Sharepoint and he didn't seem so sure of himself she has never trusted him either. I guess you can't blame her but he does contribute.  And then she told me Lainie isn't qualified for the EHR manager job. I wonder if she would have let me hire Justin all those years ago? Anyway at least I got to hang out with my team today. We enjoyed some pretty good Mexican food though I thought my fajitas had too little meat in them. Nelson led the drink brigade, even getting the team to do tequila shots. I think they had a pretty good time. So much so that the table behind us commented to us on their way out that they were living through us with those shots LOL.  That and we exchanged stories from way back in the day. By the time I got back home it was almost 2:30 and I decided that I'd pick up Johnnie early from school after all. And when I did he was still in the middle of making some ornaments. Still he was excited that he starts his holiday break right about then. He ended his 2022 pretty good I think. Look at the picture below with his classmates. Everyone is all smiles.
Johnnie didn't have Spanish class this afternoon either. Hayil his teacher called it off at the last minute and that was ok. For some reason I felt tired this afternoon. I was almost nodding off until I realized I needed to make Johnnie dinner.  He had already requested penne in chicken broth and a Trader Joe's pizza. And so I made Johnnie dinner and tried to get as many steps as possible. I was barely at 2500 at lunchtime. After all, it was Friday today and I didn't really start with a lot of exercise. Instead I did some energy clearing and emotional balancing. A good thing too since I started getting a whole raft of pings, emails, and chats from people at work. I need this, please help me with this info, here's some approvals from Sheng. I notice my irritability index rising some until I reminded myself to be thankful instead. Sure Barbara needs this and Dr Liao needs that and I got lots of stuff I need to be emailed out Oh and let's not forget it's the end of the pay week today. Why get irritated I asked myself? It's Friday. Ain't nobody getting anything tonight. They can wait until next week. What was important to me that I got Johnie's dinner and then he and I rough-housed around like we sometimes do. Only I remind myself he is now bigger and stronger than he was from a year ago and I need to be wary that he doesn't get a direct hit in or it's going to get hurt and I'd probably end up yelling at him. Hey I had to keep him entertained didn't I? Lisa didn't actually come get him until it was past 8 PM already. And we didn't make any small talk. Just a quick hand-off and I went back in. I noticed some uncomfortable feelings come up too. Maybe it was because I knew I wouldn't be seeing Johnnie all weekend. And that's ok. It's Lisa's turn. I made the hand-off quick to avoid showing the discomfort I was feeling. I told Johnnie I'd miss him this weekend. I'll see him on Monday.

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