Monday, December 12, 2022

Rainy Days and Mondays

So that storm that descended upon us yesterday morning and then left by noon, is back first thing this morning again. And it was raining fairly hard. I thought of Johnnie when I woke up. I sure hope they make it to school on time. Ok, I sure hope they make it at all LOL. In the meantime, this being a Monday, I did a lookahead to this week and other than the Communications Meeting on Wednesday, really it's all about more Holiday celebrating isn't it? There's the potluck on Thursday and then my team lunch on Friday. As I said, I was happy that we're all getting to celebrate in person again. Even Johnnie has a pizza party planned for Friday for his last day of school for the holiday break. And so I went from meditating about the upcoming week - which basically heats up on Wednesday and then concludes with celebrations on Thursday and Friday and then it's a week until Christmas. And from all that meditation I went right to doing sprint steps in place right in my living room, and right in my pajamas. No need to get dressed and go outside at this point, it's pouring out there. I was thinking how Johnnie was going to get to school on time today what with mom and son having a late night last night. I would get my answer way later. But for now I shuttle between exercise and watching videos and audios and this morning I basically settle in on videos about the Kybalion and Hermetic principles. Basic and Foundational knowledge such as they were. No need to go much further than the first 2 principles actually. ALL IS MIND. GOD=ALL. And then AS ABOVE SO BELOW. All this to remind myself that 3D reality in the physical plane is merely a reflection of what is going on in the mind. Deep stuff for a Monday morning I know. But I did get to 5000 steps before breakfast. And the short choppy steps got me to 70 active minutes already before it was even close to lunchtime. 
I spent the rest of the afternoon, and the day really going back and forth between more audios and videos about the Hermetic principles and work stuff. Yes I still had stuff to do, meetings upon meetings, vendors pressuring me because their month end is coming up. Year end really. From all the internal work this morning I resolved not to let all these distractions sway my thinking. If I have to watch my thoughts in order to direct or redirect my reality, then the reason things are the way they are is because of these thoughts. And as I change the thought, I also change the reality. Seems so easy to say, much harder to do. I realize that the reason I don't achieve consistency in my golf game is that I have not achieved consistency in the way I think. Anyway I did manage to get stuff done and by 6 PM, I get a call from Johnnie. He's asking me to come to dinner with them. By then I had already had shrimp yakisoba for my dinner. But hey I'll come and eat whatever Lisa prepared. I had also gotten to 14000 steps and already past 150 active minutes. Just a routine Monday. It had also stopped raining around the afternoon too. When I came to Lisa's immediately she asked me to sit down. It was like she had a confession. Johnnie never did make it to school today. The reason was that he didn't feel well. Of course I knew he would be tired and be lacking sleep. I also would have made him go to school if he were on my watch. I realized the reason he didn't make it was that Lisa didn't make it out of bed in time either. Not much of a loss today since it is the last week of school. If he was going to miss any days, this would be it. Not that I was totally ok with me, but this time I gave Johnnie a pass. I sat down and ate chicken and rice with them. And then did the dishes afterwards. And for once Johnnie and I made it back to the apartment and it was barealy 7 PM. But knowing that he had stayed up until late last night, he got to go to an early bedtime tonight. As in by 8:30. I watched some videos on the iPad before I knocked off myself. It still felt like a routine Monday by then. I also realized we had Communications Meeting this week. Which means I have to get my presentation together by tomorrow. No prob. All good.

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