Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Salvaging the Legoland Day

I woke up this morning really with the intention of going to Legoland and having a nice day at the park. Was that possible? I visualized the three of us having a good time unaffected by the emotional shit we just went through last night. And I post all these pics from the day because the bottom line was we did make it to the park, we managed to not only be civil but we actually had a pretty good time actually. And we were cooperating and working together again. So much so that by the end of the evening, we picked up Claire with the help of Lisa's brother Joah without encountering any drama from Lisa's dad. WE left at 5:15 and got to Sierra Madre by 7:03, not encountering hardly any traffic at all. And we managed to eat at Baja Fresh. We chose it because it had outdoor seating, but we ended up being allowed to eat inside with Claire. And we got Johnnie a cheese pizza from Domino's next door. And Lisa and I had fish tacos and chips and guac again <and a burrito for me>. And we made it home before 9 PM. And Lisa was so tired she just said to take the truck and bring it back tomorrow. I was going to drop off Johnnie anyway since I had to make an appearance at work. And so despite the horrendous start last night, we ended up finishing the evening all well and good. And I will consider karma undone again. Still work to be done and that is ok. We at least had a pretty good Legoland day.

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