Thursday, December 29, 2022

The Year Winds Down

It's Thursday and one more day left for the short week after today and I don't even know why I'm in work mode considering there are probably half the admin people left working the rest of the week. For my part I did have Johnnie today as per usual and I remember last week we spent Thursday and Friday at iHop for breakfast. Today, it's the reverse. I thought I'd MAKE him something for breakfast. I still had all the sourdough bread left plus a lot of bacon and Johnnie was perfectly fine with those items. Just look at the pic I posted of JOhnnie enjoying said breakfast. For myself I made myself a nice spinach, mushroom, and onion omelette, just like I would have had at iHOP. I didn't really make any plans for Johnnie and I other than I wanted to maximize my time with him since yet again I had no idea what Lisa was planning for the coming New Year's Day weekend. I did look at what was happening last year at this time. It was raining same as it is now. I was also doing internal work and focusing on manifesting my outcomes <though last year I was more focused on financial outcomes>, same as I am doing now. The question is how do I make a breakthrough as I feel like I am doing the same things over and over and not really getting the results that I want. What do I need to change? What do I need to do differently? What do I need to focus on? How do I get the resources that I need? How do I get the guidance I am looking for? The discomfort I am feeling when I think about stuff I haven't manifested yet has got to lead me towards a path doesn't it? I can't be ok with just getting by, with doing stuff over and over. It's like my golf game. How long do I tolerate not making any improvements in my game?  How do I learn to focus better? How do I get rid of thoughtforms I don't want? Lots of questions. It's all about the work still I have to remind myself. And to balance that with having as much quality time with Johnnie as possible. 
I parked him in front of the computer all morning with Prodigy English and Math. Then had him do artwork after lunch. And THEN I did some basketball drills with him in the parking garage downstairs. Eh, who cares if it's raining?! I need him to break in his new basketball shoes anyway. I wanted him to learn not just basketball stuff, but also to pace himself or he'll be out of breath everytime he goes down full court. We'll see what happens. When we got back, I got a call from Lisa. She had spent the morning walking with Ines <as in Tony Cataldo>. I know she could care less about me at all so I am trying not to have any judgements and be as neutral as possible. She didn't get any stuff done yesterday, and didn't get much of anything done today. So she actually asked if I could keep Johnnie through this evening. I couldn't have asked for a better outcome than that. She dropped Claire off on the way to seeing a patient of hers and back we went to normal Thursday... Except, Hayil called off today's class. That's ok. That meant dinner at Panda Express tonight for he and I both. That meant finishing up my steps. Not only did we head out and do a dinner run, we went to Trader Joe's too. I had not done any shopping since the weekend before Christmas and i was running out of stuff. Tonight, I talked Johnnie into watching Frozen 2 again. I remember when it came out a couple of years ago and that was one of our favorites. I have a memory of driving down to San Diego with Johnnie and my mom and me playing LOST IN THE WOODS for Johnnie. That was all before the pandemic I think. Anyway it was great to sing all those songs we liked from the movie again. And so Johnnie and I got to do our thing anyway. Quality time. Year winding down. One more work day left. 

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