Saturday, December 3, 2022

Down Time

I slept in today, but mainly because I was binge watching Netflix and Amazon Prime last night. I know, I know, all that stuff is a distraction but I figured I would have most if not all of today to get back to center and focus on internal work. And so I did a little meditative work, had me a nice breakfast: bacon and eggs on an avocado sour dough toast. And then I started watching videos, I just let whatever come up come up. I figure it would be best that way since I don't exactly know which direction to start with, there are so many things I need to study and catch up on. The first video I ran into was one from Robert Gene Smith who does Faster EFT. I posted the video. The big takeaway was all about memories. Memories are not permanent, they are pliable. The past does not exist, just constructs in the mind. And therefore you can install or change the memories you think you know to something that empowers you. And what we interpret those memories with are based on what survival skills we learn. If you're like a Lisa, she learned to survive using anger and negative stories to push her. If you're like me, you learn how to connect, you learn social skills even though that is not your true nature. You learn how to be a chameleon. How is this important in the here and now? It's all part of the process. It's all part of mastering creation and manifestation. And part of disciplining the mind to get the conscious to program the subconscious. Anyway I spent the morning with these kinds of videos and then I made myself a pizza for lunch. 
After lunch I forced myself to head out just to get out of the house. After all, it was still a nice day out. And after all, it always looks best the day after it rains. I spent the afternoon doing errands. Mostly grocery shopping actually. I started at Whole Foods, and then Trader Joe's. And finally Ralphs. By the time I got done it was nearly 4 PM already. I took a pic of what it looked like outside (see pic) noting that maybe it was all that internal work in the morning had pretty nicely centered this afternoon. And I did some more work too. I note that a year ago at this time, I was trying to decide whether I had enough money put away to retire. I decided then that I didn't and that I needed  just a bit more so there was some breathing room. Of course that was before the stock market tanked at the beginning of the year.  And I realize now that I shouldn't have waited all that time to simply try to figure out a different way to get myself paid other than my job. What I needed to remind myself was that I was perfectly capable of learning something, anything that creates a huge amount of value. But that's ok. That is the past and as I already reminded myself, the past no longer exists. There is still a lot of time and a lot of game. I did allow myself some past indulgences tonight. I mean it is ME TIME after all isn't it? And so I made myself some chicken post sticker soup. Even threw in some lumpia in there. Only that didn't turn out so well. Got way too soggy in fact. Oh well, at least I got filled up LOL. And then I indulged myself in some binge-watching too. I tried the Paramount Network when I couldn't find anything new on Netflix. I started to watch the series EVIL but I got too bored after a couple of episodes. I was in no mood for a psycho-thriller. I did manage to catch the new STAR TREK Strange New Worlds, which was the Star Trek Enterprise all over again, but with pre Captain Kirk. That meant Captain Pike, and a young Lt. Uhura and a young Nurse Chapel. And I did end up watching at least 6 episodes. Since they were an hour apiece, you can figure out that I didn't sleep early tonight. And that's ok. After all, it is still ME TIME isn't it? Some entertainment distraction is allowed LOL.

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