Tuesday, December 6, 2022

A Routine Tuesday

It had rained most of last night and when we woke up this morning it was still drizzling some. Enough so that the kids had to be deposited in the classroom. Still the sun was just starting to peek out from under all the dark clouds and I was sure it was going to be nice the rest of the day. I noted to myself that I had all that stuff I didn't yesterday that I didn't do today but I still felt no urgency to do so. I don't know whether it's my ego distracting me or some other thing distracting me or whether it's really not in my highest good to focus too much on work stuff so that THAT by itself becomes the distraction to the deeper level stuff.  All that could be a massive brain meld couldn't it? Except that I know it shouldn't involve the brain at all. And I need to listen to my Higher Self. And so to that end I found myself in meditation for a part of the morning. And I found myself merely affirming that i needed to unfocus on things that cause worry and anxiety and focus on the stuff that merely comes up under the correct mental and emotional state. Boy this sure is the work isn't it. For today it is still to get some work done. I do still have to do my job don't I, as long as I don't allow myself to give in to triggers, negative or otherwise. Fortunately I didn't get too many pings throughout the day and I actually was able to get to the stuff I should have gotten to yesterday. The problem was I procrastinated so long I ended up having to work on it well after Johnnie had already gone to bed! More on that later. Today I had to do my Team Meeting too and that wasn't really eventful at all. Except that I do have a GO-LIVE scheduled for Monday for the Financial systems. And I have all kinds of other stuff I gave myself a deadline of yesterday for. The triggers are all meetings that happen later on this week, after today. Like most Tuesdays anymore the later part of the afternoon is all about picking up Johnnie and then shifting into the Tuesday routine.
He had basketball today so I didn't pick him up until 4:30 PM. Jen from STAR told me he seemed to be in a different mood today. As in he wanted to be alone and didn't want to be bothered by anyone. That didn't sound like him at all. When I asked him about it, he said he had felt overwhelmed with everyone tugging at him. He didn't say that in so many words but that was what he was trying to communicate. Gee, does that sound familiar? Kind of like when people bug me! And so I definitely understand. I'm just going to help him through navigating people wanting his attention. I told him something about how leaders usually get that kind of attention and I know he didn't understand that just yet. It's ok. He will grow into that. In the meantime, Tuesday routine meant me getting my Taco Tuesday tacos at Campos Tacos. And then getting Johnnie's dinner at Panda Express. Just a normal Tuesday. It's also cookie night obviously so I made those. And for whatever reason I felt like watching a movie with Johnnie. And I picked... Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The very first HP movie. He was just 11 at the time of course, a full 3 years older than Johnnie. But I thought he might like it. Identify with the wizard stuff even. I didn't expect him to be scared of some things in the movie. Like the mountain troll. And some of the magic potion stuff. But he did like the Quidditch game. And so I let him watch it until that point and then we switched back to his normal programming. I may need to think why the live action movie seems to be scarier than the Pokemon animation battle scenes with dragons and creatures and stuff. But then again he also liked King Kong and Skull Island and all those creatures battling each other there. Interesting what this kid is and is not afraid of. What I do know is that he was back to his goofy, playful self so whatever was bugging him this afternoon seemed to have dissipated when I picked him up from STAR. He and I would have both gone to bed early tonight EXCEPT as I mentioned I had to work on that roster management stuff. And it was midnight by the time I got done. Sigh. At least I had time to have some decent sleep. It's all good.

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