Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas! It's Christmas! And for me, I somehow felt - what word should I use - JOYFUL, this morning when I woke up as if channelling times of Christmas past when we would wake up early and open presents. Yes there are no trappings of Christmas tradition in my apartment. No tree, no ornaments. In fact, I don't even ascribe to the religious tradition that Jesus Christ was born on this day. After all, were there any birth records LOL? We just sort of picked a day didn't we. If you google why we celebrate Jesus Christ being born on this day, you will find that the Roman Christian historian Sextus Julius Africanus dated Jesus’s conception to March 25, which, after 9 months, is December 25. Hence, the birth date was decided. But I mean really, we take the word of one person who claims to know when the conception happened? I mean we can barely pinpoint it today! Be all that as they may, I still celebrate today as the birth of Christ potentiality. And if that means we exchange presents and take the day off, I'm happy for all that. Today I didn't make any plans and Lisa and Johnnie are headed to the Kederian Christmas get-together. And so I thought I'd head out to Penman to catch 9 holes early. I didn't think anyone would be there. I was wrong. There were plenty of people and this morning I didn't really feel like playing with strangers. And so I went to Penman and turned right around and drove on back.  Made myself a nice spinach, mushroom omelette for breakfast. And treated today like any weekend morning that I'm not doing anything. I did some meditation. Last night I noted that I was doing some clearing while in Apia state and I must have had other gunk to clear because it came up this morning. Things about money and what would be holding me back. It's not the money that I want, it's not to have to work for anyone, to be independent financially so as not to rely on a job or a boss or an organization. I can rely on me. Just need to set up some certainty is all. And so I worked on blockages about depending on a job and belief systems that linger that came from external sources. And I thought I had a really good session actually. Before long it was already almost noon. And so I had it in my mind that I would at least get out to watch a movie today. And so off I went to Century City after lunch and saw the movie the WHALE. It had gotten a lot of buzz and now I know why. Easily Brendan Fraser should win an Oscar for this performance of a broken man who became hugely obese because of a tragedy leaving behind a daughter who clearly was angry for being left behind. How he still loved her and expressed it later was something I  have to model when I'm with Johnnie. He's an amazing kid and I should not run out of ways to tell him so. I was crying afterwards it had affected me that much emotionally. And so I went on home and by then it was already 5 PM. I had stuff to do still and I was lucky I had enough food to make dinner since all the grocery stores were closed. I did not have to wait until 10 PM to assemble Johnnie's new study desk though. And I didn't even finish because I couldn't screw in some of the screws. When I looked up it was 1:30 AM. Damn. Hope everyone had a happy Christmas. All in all turned out that I did too.

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