Friday, December 9, 2022

The Winter Song Fest

So the holiday activities continue and today it's Johnnie's big day. It's Mar Vista's Winter Song Festival and his class is performing at 1:20. And he's introducing one of the songs no less. There is no shortage of talented, outgoing personalities in his class. That he positioned himself to do it is pretty good I thought. And so it was that I pretty much tanked most of today work-wise. I did get some things done and I did get some nice meditation in this morning. But really all were prefacing the show mid-day. And LIKE the other big events of late, there really isn't much to talk about other than fact that Johnnie did so well and I was very very proud of him. Today was one of those events where I got to do a very dad thing and I couldn't be any happier. At the concert I sat next to Blair and Jason and as luck would have it, Brooklyn was introducing with Johnnie on the same song. Couldn't help but feel like I was looking at a pretty cool future. Awww... Lisa made it too albeit a little late. But she did make it and that is what's important. I picked Johnnie up at 3:30, he did his Spanish class and it was like a normal Friday. Except that the pictures below show otherwise. Something to remember most definitely...

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