Monday, December 19, 2022

More Holiday Stuff

It's less than a week before Christmas and I think I am finally mentally not wanting to work anymore. A fine time to start checking out on the Monday when timecards are due and the HRSA COVID survey is due too. Fortunately I already did approve my team's timecards at some point during the weekend so that was one thing off the list. But the list was fairly long already from the last part of the week and suddenly an email from my CEO's EA listing all my to-do's from the last 2 Management Meetings got me irritated. There were 16 items and I simply got annoyed that they were tracking. I did agree to all these things actually, though not the due dates. It was like I'm being held accountable and I'm annoyed that I am LOL.  Am I being targetted as the next person to get let go? At that point I knew it was my ego that was taking offense to all this. Because there was also a part of me that simply acknowledged that I had already done or were in the middle of all the things on the list. And half of them I'm waiting on other people. And so it wasn't like I had a bunch of new things. Everything was in process actually and I'd bet people might actually take me for granted, I still know I'm providing a heck of a lot of value. I remind myself that it IS Monday and that I need to be doing my steps earlier than usual because as much as I am irritated by the senior leadership, I do have to make nice and go to the QHC Holiday dinner later on tonight. And I need to remind Lisa to keep Lisa until 8:30 PM or whenever I get home from the party. I also need to make arrangements for Wednesday since it looks like I will be at the FRB for most of the day. Lisa will have to watch Johnnie at her office.  She was ok with all this of course as she knows she will get to see Johnnie more. By lunchtime I had gotten through most of the work stuff. But for some reason, the afternoon got away from me. I did get to 8000 steps but it felt like I put my head down and tried to do some work and then next thing you know it was already 4 PM. Uh-oh. Time to head to the QHC party since it's in East LA and there will be traffic for sure. As in it would take me more than an hour to get there. I cleaned up and showered and then got out of the house. I did manage to get to the restaurant by 5:15. Dinner wasn't until 5:30 anyway. The Board did a quick meeting and discussed the financials and then it was GO for dinner. We were at Tamayo's art Gallery and restaurant where we had one of our after Town Hall brunches 10 months ago. I remember I liked it here. I sat next to Cynthia Borders and her husband William. Was it more than 5 years ago now that I had sat with them at the QueensCare party? I remember I boycotted one year when Data Analytics team was sort of taken away from me. These days I'm happy we all get to do some things in person anymore. The meal was really good. I had carne asada and even before that I made a meal out of the chips and dip. That's the 2nd time in less than a week that I do that at a Mexican restaurant. Anyway we had one Board member at our table who was a doctor himself and we had a nice time socializing with him. And so I enjoyed my 2nd QueensCare party in less than a week and for good measure it got done pretty early. Like I was driving home by 7:30 PM. I'm going to pick up Johnnie at Lisa's on time after all. Except... when I got there Lisa was barely putting dinner on the table. What the hecK? I refrained from saying anything. I can only imagine that Johnnie was out of his mind hungry by then. I can only imagine what Lisa was doing all afternoon. It wasn't like she had to pick him up from STAR or anything. Anyway Lisa made her chicken and rice dish, the same dish I make usually on Thursdays for Johnnie. I sat down and caught up. After all, I hadn't seen my son since Friday. We also talked about Christmas Day since now we won't be going to the Elams since Bud and Courtney are down with COVID. Anyway I was still in my suit so I didn't wash Lisa's dishes. Off we went home and back to the routine. See Johnnie on my shoulders ready for bedtime. It was a pretty good work day today. AND I managed to make 14,700+ miles even though I was still backed up all the say to 8000 when I was at the restaurant. It's all good.

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