Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Work Week Halfway Done

I like lingering around a little bit when I drop Johnnie off at the yard. It's been so long since I've seen the kids play around with each other that I actually find myself just watching the kids in a space of gratitude. And of course that would include Johnnie playing with Brooklyn still. They sure look different from the first day of TK 3 years ago. Today I got a note from Johnnie's teacher asking about a comment Johnnie made that his heart is in his right side rather than his left. I guess the exercise they were doing was one on imperfections and being different. Boy did Johnnie nail that one with a heap of self-awareness. I guess the class got super-interested. Wait until I email his teacher about the specifics of his genetics LOL. So I dropped Johnnie off, made myself some bacon and eggs for breakfast and swigged down a fresh pineapple shake and got quickly dressed to head downtown. It's Wednesday FRB day after all and this morning, I locked in a meeting with the IS Team for the 2nd day in a row simply because of Noriel's fiasco yesterday, I keep telling the guy he has a problem with confidence. After all, I sent Jorge to look over his shoulder and guess what? He not only did the piece-by-piece install that I had recommended to him upgrading from 2008 to 2012 then 2016 then 2019, each taking a day to complete. His problem was he got stuck and couldn't go on at the first step. When he had Jorge looking over his shoulders everything got to working and he actually did get to the next step. 'And it was the hardest step too, so he has the rest of the week to get it all done after all. Why it took him all week to get going is beyond me. Same thing with Sheng. The guy gave me this report as if he didn't think about what I was actually asking for him to extract. And so I had to step him back and ask him what he thought it would take to clean up Active Directory. It was easy enough to break into steps after that. And so my meeting got done quickly and we had really good progress from yesterday. The rest of the morning I just stuck around the FRB, caught up with people (Finance was there) and of course I did an upper body/pull-up workout in the gym. I actually did 12 reps 3 times on the pull-up, the lat pull, and the tricep rope. I got 120 reps in all in all. And I went home and had myself a tuna sandwich and tomato basil soup. I had all kinds of food in my fridge after all. Might as well save money and eat at home.
So this being a Wednesday, I basically spent the rest of the afternoon logging in steps and watching some videos until it was time to pick up Johnnie. It's Spanish class at Lisa's office night and then dinner after. Hopefully Lisa would NOT be in the mood to eat at home and I already floated an idea in Johnnie's head that he would want to eat at Mitsuwa for udon noodles. Or maybe we could even go to Maria's. First things first, the class. WE did it in the kitchen because Lisa and Angie were doing something that looked like a strategy meeting in her office. <She would tell us later that she thinking seriously about downsizing her practice. I thought it was a good idea>. Look at the pic of Johnnie on the floor of the kitchen. Anyway when we got done with the class and floated the idea of eating out to Lisa, she surprised us both by actually suggesting we eat at Oops. For sure we all hadn't eaten there together in a while, although I myself had eaten there each week for the last couple of weeks. And so I had some really good sashimi, followed by some sushi hand rolls, and Johnnie of course had his tempura udon. And the nice part was that we actually had a stress-free eezy-peezy time just talking. Lisa did have a trigger at the end of the evening, and this time it was Johnnie that got targeted. She got angry because Johnnie didn't have his seatbelt on properly. Imagine, if you were Johnnie and Lisa made you do a body roll in the street. I had to translate all that afterwards. What Lisa was actually communicating was that she loved Johnnie so much that it would break her if something were to happen to him and so she's angry because she perceived he was putting himself at risk. Never mind how many times in the past Lisa put HIM at risk on a bike or doing other wackily daredevil kind of things. Johnnie seemed to understand. I told him it was his turn because usually she would be finding something to yell at me about. Still, we were all full afterwards and epecially Johnnie and I. I looked forward to walking off the food by doing some more steps. Johnnie had it in his mind that he wanted to go to the jacuzzi at my apartment. So I found a way to get him to the spa, while I took Claire out for he nightly poop and run, AND got my steps in the process as well. And then it was back to Ninjago for Johnnie, and another chill evening for me. And I so look forward to a chill end of the week.

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