Thursday, September 8, 2022

A Very UnRoutine Thursday

Right off the bat I made today very un-routine. I did that by cancelling all meetings this morning. No need to meet with the IS Team, already met with them yesterday. No need to meet with the EHR Team, met with them on Tuesday. And so with my morning cleared up all of a sudden, I found myself CLEANING. Specifically, I started cleaning the toilet, then the bathroom floor - mopped and everything. Then the kitchen, then the kitchen floor. In other words, I cleaned what I didn't clean the past week. There was only one problem... I was supposed to go out and meet up with Candace from Match tonight. But yesterday, Lisa sprung on me that she was going to Pasadena for piano lessons and needed to stick around for a while. That took care of leaving Johnnie with her and taking off at 5:30 for a date. And so I texted Candace this morning to cancel. Again. Third time since we started chatting with each other. BUt for some reason I didn't feel like giving up. I suggested lunch. And when she sounded iffy, I suggested the Blue Salt Fish Grill in Redondo Beach where she was. THAT she accepted and in fact, told me she was getting ready to leave (it was 11 AM when I suggested it). Uh-oh. No time for a shower. I was literally scrubbing the kitchen floor when she texted back. I cleaned up as best as I could, hoping I didn't stink that badly. Put on a decent polo and took off. Surprisingly, there was not that much traffic and I got to the place by 12:10, well before our 12:30 meet-up time. She did get there earlier too. First impressions? She was pretty. Mid-50s pretty. But then again I am older than her aren't I? Appearance-wise I was satisfied. WE had some nice fish for lunch, had some nice conversation. It was the kind of conversation that revolved around decisions she needed to make and so my wise-old-sage SELF came out and tried to provide some insight, yoda-style LOL. We ended up moving on to Coffee Bean after and talking some more. In fact, it was almost 2:30 by the time we left. Yes there was a connection. What kind of connection? We will have to wait and see. I'm just focusing on DATE #2 at this time LOL. Still, DATE #1 was pretty good. 

A note from Johnnie's teacher: Thank you for adopting him, taking wonderful care of him, and including me in his journey. He is such a happy and friendly kid, an attestment to your love and parenting. He enjoys learning, making connections, and is kind to his peers. I'm so grateful we get to work together this year. This was the email she wrote back after I sent her an email explaining the whole "I have my heart on the right side thing" that Johnnie sprung on his class LOL. I told her about Johnnie's genetics, how extremely rare and special he really is, how he was adopted. And her response almost made me cry. IT REMINDED ME OF WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT. And it totally validated my feeling that my primary job now is to be Johnnie's DAD. The more I get to do that, the desire to do that full time is an outcome I am going for now more than ever. Then again, here is a pic of Johnnie doing his ninja thing in front of the TV with Ninjago showing in the background and I'm laughing as I'm thinking this is the kind, happy, playful kid his teacher wrote about. Tonight is hand-off night of course and I made up the story that Johnnie and I were going downtown and coming back late. I don't know why I felt like making up that story other than perhaps propping up the other story that I was heading downtown tonight anyway. THAT was so I wouldn't have to tell her I was supposed to be out on a date. Anyway the anticipation was for a late hand-off. Instead no call from Lisa and it was already Johnnie's bedtime. Turned out Lisa had been sleeping at home all this time. I woke her up with my phone call and she seemed confused about why I was dropping Johnnie off. And so I just told her I'd keep him for the night too and take him to school in the morning. And so I ended up with one more thing that was very unroutine. Johnnie spent a Thursday night with me. He was glad about that too. And so was I. Didn't feel any different than most weeknights really except that I reminded myself I still had to get up at 6 AM to lock in a golf tee time tomorrow morning. Everything was all good. The whole day, unroutine as it turned out to be, was VERY Very GOOD.

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