Thursday, September 29, 2022

Thursday's Lesson

Today's lesson: EMBRACE YOUR FEELINGS. All of them. Even the negative ones. Negative circumstances points out where our definitions are off. I would need to remember that way later. Fist things first the drop-off to school this morning was highlighted by Johnnie bringing in his TREASURE BOX. It was not due until tomorrow but he was already done so I made him take it early. Also started rehearsing what he was going to say. I loved seeing all the other kids buzzing over the box and Johnnie starting to show off some of the contents. Today being a Thursday, I already knew I had a full meeting morning. Still I felt like the brunt of the work week was behind me so when Dennis called off the last meeting, I already shifted to CRUISE CONTROL. That meant relaxing on the couch, listening to some gentle meditation and this time I actually visualized ridding myself of negative energy, whatever negative energy was stuck in my energy and physical body. And I had quite a bit of twitching happening which meant something was working. Boy did it work as I would find out later on. That also meant watching the latest episode of SEE on AppleTV and the latest episode of ANDOR. Between those 2 shows and the new Quantum Leap reboot on Mondays, you could say my SCI-Fy watchlist is no longer empty. Needless to say, the afternoon all but zipped by and pretty soon it was already time to pick up Johnnie at school. Spanish class at 5 PM. Got supplemental materials printed and everything. And he did just fine. He did the class, I made him spaghetti and a special request (from him). He wanted to go retro with Italian sausage we used to get from Whole Foods. Expensive those things were, but really really good and so I decided to have it for my dinner as well. Was it already almost 3 years ago when we started BBQing sausage and he would eat it outside? I think he DOES have fond memories of that time. That was before the pandemic. Anyway we had dinner, he went on to doing whatever play stuff he does (look at the structure I posted him trying to build) and all we had to do was wait for Lisa to call to pick him up. We waited. and waited. and waited. Just like last night. She finally called to check in at 8 PM and said she was nowhere close to being done. And had her usual litany of whining and complaining about how things suck. THERE's the negative energy that needed to come out. Because it couldn't have been just Lisa. If negativity points to places where our definitions are off from that which is peace, love, abundance, harmony, joy, then BOY something is off for me. By 9:15 PM I tucked Johnnie into bed. Usually I would drive to her house. Not tonight. And when she finally called at 9:45 I told her he was already asleep. In my apartment. That lit a match like I knew it would. She got pissed and ranted and raved. Yelled that my life is so much easier because I don't face nearly as much difficulty as she does <Like...who the fuck cares? Doesn't she realize EVERYTHING is all about choices? Can't she choose to come home? At least she doesn't have to manufacture excuses to leave meetings early> I was in no mood to listen to her tonight. She yelled, I yelled back. Outside the apartment because I didn't wake Johnnie up. Only my neighbors LOL... Fucking Lisa. It all ended with me yelling a big FUCK YOU at her and hanging up. And when she called back I did not answer. She can stew all night for all I care. THIS is the negative shit I needed to feel and release I think. Hurricane Lisa fucking up my peace and harmony yet again. I did remember that my key is getting myself back on balance. I did that by putting on some frequencies to clear and center. And went to sleep. 

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