Friday, September 30, 2022

Dad and Son Dodger Game

I knew there would be some sort of fall-out from the argument with Lisa last night. I simply did not expect it to come from where it did. And that was from Johnnie's class. In his teacher's weekly emails was a little exercise she wrote about. This week's exercise was about communication and apologizing. And wouldn't you know Johnnie would describe our argument last night. See below. I know Johnnie's teacher was simply doing this in the spirit of "no one is perfect so how can we be better" but still I'm so embarassed for Lisa. Oblivious to these kinds of things I doubt if she would even care But I do. I most certainly do. I'm so sorry you had to hear all that Johnnie. It's our fault. 

Room 9 Kids Say the Darnedest Things

This week we had several discussions about communication and apologizing. The kiddos shared many funny stories and we learned a lot about your families! Your children and I laughed about the following... 

  • "My parents are good at arguing, but I barely hear them apologize."  
  • "Last night my mom called my dad just to yell at him, 5 times in the row, in the middle of the night."  
  • "I have never heard my parents say sorry to each other!" 
  • "Sometimes my parents tell me to put headphones on or turn the tv up loud so they can go in a different room, lock the door and yell at each other!" 
Today being a Friday and Johnnie having spent the night, it felt like a regular weekday. And it meant I wouldn't have time to do some meditation first thing. At least I remembered to lock in a tee time for next Sunday. I reminded myself it's the last day of September and the next week kicks in some busy-ness in the form of Johnnie's birthday. Of course it's a big deal. And then the week after that, Silvia makes a return visit. In fact, starting today, the social calendar seems to be filling up. I'm excited to go to the Dodgers game with Johnnie, which is why I easily rolled all the foolishness from last night right off my back. I don't care how Lisa deals with it. Johnnie and I will deal with it after we get back from the game. Today I actually had some stuff to do in the morning, work-related. And when I get my momentum going on something, I flash hard. And when I looked up it was already nearly noon and I still had stuff I wanted to get done. Such as getting my haircut. Or should I say cutting my own hair actually LOL.  I've gotten pretty good at that, especially since I cut it really short anymore. What precision do I need? I got it done in 15 minutes in fact, And then I headed over to Lisa's to bring over Johnnie's stuff so we wouldn't have to carry it in the car later. And I took advantage of being there anyway and using her nice and clean shower LOL. Yep, I took a shower. Tried to wipe out all traces of me being there LOL. And then picked up a hot food buffet lunch from Whole Foods to take home. By this time I had checked out of work mode. And I started getting ready for the game. Everything is electronic these days, including getting parking pass. I double checked everything, including what the best route for the stadium was. Nothing that wouldn't take at least an hour including navigating for parking. I moved up Johnnie's Spanish lesson by a half hour. Which meant I had to pick him up at 4 PM. Anyway, he did his Spanish lesson, I baked up some chicken dino nuggets so he wouldn't be so hungry until we got to the game. As it was, we left at 5 PM. We got to the stadium in less than an hour. But it took another hour practically to get parking. AND it seemed like we would walk almost a mile to get to the special entrance for our tickets. Turned out they were for Healthcare Worker Appreciation night. So we got a couple of sweatshirts, Elton John bobbleheads (huh?). It seemed like we walked the entire perimeter of the stadium just to get to our seats. We would find out later on we were already right back to where we had parked, except that we walked all the way around. Anyway this was our first Dodger game together JOhnnie and I. And it wasn't lost on me that I hadn't been to a Dodger game in years myself. Among JOhnnie's firsts were his first Dodger dog. And then of course we were surrounded by QueensCare people and lots of people greeted me and greeted Johnnie too. I must talk about him all the time because it was as if all my co-workers knew him. As for the game itself, I was surprised that Johnnie kept up with the balls and strikes. And he seemed genuinely interested! Clayton Kershaw was pitching so we knew that the Dodgers were likely to win. It was 1-0 when we took a pee break for Johnnie. And when we got back to our seats, it was already 5-0! We had missed a Cody Bellinger HR. Damn. That's how explosive the Dodgers are. By 9 PM we were still just in the 5th inning and Lisa called to check in on us. Sigh. I could feel the fun of the evening leaving me like air out of a balloon. We left in the 6th, Dodgers already up 8-0. This game was over. Bu since we ended up being so close to the car, and we left that early, there was no traffic and we were actually home by 9:30. We picked up Claire and then went on to Lisa's. We beat her home in fact. And when she did come home she declared she wanted to have a family meeting. I already warned Johnnie it was going to be about what he had relayed in class about our fight last night. And so he acted like he was afraid of her. Lisa of course showed no empathy, and just stood there almost silent, clueless, and awkward. And blurted something out about 'hey if you guys just want to be by yourselves, then I guess I have to be alone'. What the fuck? yeah Killjoy, we were having fun before you sucked the joy in the vicinity. I let her meander with whatever she wanted to talk about, signalling to her that I am done talking about last night.  I knew I was getting no apology and in fact, Lisa herself said that she didn't feel about how Johnnie described it because she did nothing wrong. That pretty much said it all. I just let Lisa try to catch up with Johnnie about the last few days at school and let her be mom again. As if you need some reminders for that. Or maybe I'm taking that for granted with Lisa anymore. We certainly didn't want to hear about her office. i left when it felt like mom and son weren't being awkward anymore. Hey I gotta get back first thing in the morning anyway. Lisa is working tomorrow. Yay. At least we ended September with a Dodger game experience. Wasn't THAT cool!!

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