Saturday, September 24, 2022

A Day In the OC

So Lisa was off early this morning to do a Mud Run near Costa Mesa, and Johnnie spent the night yet again in my apartment. I had no complaints about that obviously and we were up at 7 AM this morning and headed first thing to Lisa's house to drop off Johnnie's stuff so we wouldn't have to do it later, AND to get cleaned up. Why NOT shower at Lisa's house... not just Johnnie but me as well. So dad and son got our showers in and then off we went to Elysee for breakfast as per our usual Saturday. AND for the 2nd week in a row. I am definitely taking advantage of whatever time I can have with Johnnie on a Lisa day off. Actually we would be her ride later on so we're headed to Costa Mesa too. But not until right before lunchtime so we still managed to not only get our dad-and-son breakfast in, but we got some shopping done at Ralphs as well. We were just about to leave the house when Lisa called. They had finished the race. BUT. Heidi got injured. They were headed to the E.R. because Heidi couldn't move her elbow and felt like she dislocated it. Uh-oh. Of course Lisa had to take her. And asked me to go on ahead to Heidi's house so Johnnie can hang out with her boys, Jacob and Daniel. I didn't mind really. We would still have to pick up Lisa no matter what and I was ok with whatever plans they had in mind for the afternoon. So we dropped Claire off at Lisa's house and off we went to the Gummigs. I had not been to their house in a really long time. Years. The last time I went was one of their kids' birthday parties, I believe in July 2017. Wow. It had been more than 5 years. I remember we would watch Super Bowl games at their house back in the day too. It had been so long I had trouble finding the place even with the address already given by Lisa. The kids of course had just hung out with Johnnie the last time they had a dental appointment a few weeks ago. So there was a familiarity there. Since Lisa and Heidi were in the E.R. we all knew they would be there for at least a couple of hours. And so the guys went to lunch at Blaze Pizza. I had no idea they had a make-it-yourself like 800 Degrees. We do have one near my apartment. But I never thought it was like this. What was striking to me was how much Heidi's kids have grown since the last time I saw them. Daniel is 3 years older than Johnnie and  Jacob is one year older. Look at the pic I took of all of them. They are not the little toddlers I last saw 5 years ago. They actually ate up a lot of pizza, and I for one had myself a pretty decent ham and pineapple pie. This would be the 3rd day in a row I would be having pizza though. Not that I'm complaining. And then afterwards we all went to their house and waited for the prognosis with Heidi's arm. We got updates every half hour from Lisa and it ranged from "yet another X-ray underway" and a CT scan too, to updates on what the doctors were saying. It seems like she had fractured her radial head in front of the elbow, consistent with forced trauma. In layman's terms, she fell backwards on her elbow and broke the bone on top of it. Of course Jared and I would spend the afternoon reading all about it and it seemed like she now is looking having her arm in a sling for the next few weeks but should get full range of motion in tine. Kind of like when you sprain an ankle I guess. Hurts like hell, you can barely walk for a good month and then slowly it heals and goes back to normal after a couple of months. In the meantime, Johnnie had a field day playing with Jacob on Nintendo Switch. He played Minecraft and Ninjago games, the kind he would never get to play at Lisa's house. As many toys as he has in my apartment and at Lisa's house, they definitely have more toys here. They have a nerf sniper rifle for crying out loud! Anyway, the boys played for about an hour and a half. Daniel in the meantime was being punished for something so he couldn't play with them. But then we all watched the live action Pinnochio movie and almost finished it before finally the moms came home. A good thing too because I was starting to fall asleep. Must have been all that pizza. Prognosis was pretty spot on to what Jared and I already read. The takeaway for me was that the kids had a pretty fun time together and that was all I was supposed to help provide today. That and a ride for Lisa LOL. We had a long drive back considering traffic. More than an hour in fact. So you could hardly fault mom and son when they both fell asleep (see pic). Lisa did do a run this morning. And Johnnie did play all afternoon. By the time we got to Lisa's house it was already 6:30 PM. Everyone was tired and all I wanted to do myself was to get on home. Hey Lisa kept mentioning how she hadn't seen much of Johnie all week. Well she gets him for the next 2 full days. Anyway I was content to leave mom and son alone for the evening, especially since Johnie was complaining of a headache while having to get up from his contorted sleep position. And I finally get to have some ME time. What does that mean tonight? Dinner from Whole Foods. Finishing up 10,000 steps because I didn't really have much of a chance to get those today, but fortunately I had a really big cushion from the last 5 days so no problem about finishing at least at average. AND I watched the latest series from the Star Wars canon. Andor. Already looking pretty good. It was a good Saturday today. Different. But definitely another family-type feel for a Saturday. And I'm not complaining about that.

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