Monday, September 26, 2022

Last Week of September

The song goes "wake me up when September ends.." Well it ends this week and it's going to be a busy one for me at least for Tuesday and Wednesday. But this being Monday, I was up and about early doing my walking... actually more like a semi-walking meditation so I can go through my week. No reason it can't be an eezy-peezy week despite having all these meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday. AND helping Johnnie finish his Family Tree project. AND QueensCare Healthcare Worker night at Dodger Stadium on Friday night. AND Mama Vangie's birthday on Saturday. But I do not wish to get ahead of myself. Today it's just a full day at Westlake North again and having had the routine of doing more than 140 active minutes and 15,000+  steps the past couple of Mondays DESPITE having to go in to the clinic, today should be no different. And so I logged my 5000 steps and 50+ minutes BEFORE I started to get ready for work. Made myself breakfast and packed a couple of tuna sandwiches too for lunch. At least I enjoyed the sun coming up this morning didn't I? It's Rosh Hashana too today, which means Johnnie has the school day off. He gets to hang out with his mommy today for the entire day. AND traffic would not nearly be as bad as usual. In fact, I got to the clinic in about 24 minutes. Pretty quick for a Monday. And then I got my butt to work. Because I had all these meetings to do tomorrow, including the Q Board Meeting, I actually had plenty to do. Although I had already finished timecards and the HRSA survey by yesterday. All I had to finish was the COVID vaccine inventory. And then I could catch up on a whole bunch of other stuff. Still it had gotten hotter again and I was glad I didn't have to walk anywhere. In fact, I spent the early afternoon doing my steps, INSIDE the office with the door closed. And I made sure I got to 10,000 steps and already over 100 active minutes before I even started to go home. Today at the clinic I ran into Victoria Abcede probably keeping up with the theme of running into people I know from the past. In this case, the recent past as she just got laid off a few months ago. She's on maternity leave though so she is Ok for the time being. I didn't understand why they let her go... until the announcement came today that Emma was taking over as Director of Quality. She had that title before anyway so I guess that makes sense. The only difference was in that capacity, she had Data Analytics. I wonder if they are planning on giving that back? Personally I don't really care. I groomed Shilpa so she could pretty much run the department on her own and by herself.  I actually stayed until well past 4 PM. I figured, coming home would be as smooth as it was this morning, meaning less traffic. And I held off eating because Lisa had mentioned possibly having dnner with mom and son tonight. That turned out to be one of those Lisa-doing-something else things because she called by 5 PM and apparently she was in Sierra Madre at her parents house with Johnnie getting work done. That was ok with me, all it meant was that I would make my own dinner. Fortunately I had plenty of food didn't I? I made myself chicken and rice and chick peas masala. And I got myself pretty full actually. The only not-so-good thing was that I never heard from Lisa again until almost 9 PM. And only to respond to my call since it was already Johnnie's bedtime. They were just leaving Sierra Madre. Why she does this is beyond me. Of course she worked. But why then she involves Johnnie when she is not actually paying any attention to him is something I wish she would think about more. Johnnie KNOWS I'm a stickler for routine. And it turned out it was him telling his mom they needed to get home by 8 PM. THAT's MY BOY! Just Lisa once again doing Lisa. I cut out a whole chunk of time by putting out the bed, so all Johnnie had to do was do the milk and get his teeth brushed. They finally did get to my apartment at 9:40. Not too too bad. You can't even get angry at Lisa because (a) she was clueless to the time (b) it wouldn't do any good at all. It's like when we had a discussion about Johnnie missing the first day of school. Lisa will just do Lisa, oblivious to anyting else going on outside of her very limited world. And tonight it's ok. Johnnie got to bed anyway by 10 PM and so did I. What a way to start the last week of September.

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