Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Picture Day

Today is Johnnie's Fall Picture Day at school and fortunately his hair has not outgrown itself just yet and he can look presentable. He had even picked the shirt to wear himself. Anyway it took a bit longer to get him ready this morning and I made SURE to take a picture of what he was supposed to look like, knowing full well with all the running around he does when he first gets to school, his hair is NOT going to turn out the same.  I even brought a comb with me dropping him off and I knew somehow he is still going to muss up his hair. We won't know until the pictures come out though. In the meantime, I did take a pic of he and Brooklyn because they look so cute together. When I heard him call her by a nickname, <Brookie> I couldn't help but think that my son's heart is already spoken for LOL. Anyway, I walked off the schoolyard with a smile on my face and headed off to Westlake North. This would be the first time I'm going there on consecutive days actually and I didn't really mind it anymore. Except that maybe today the energy is different. The traffic was unusually heavier and even getting to the clinic took me a while, as in I didn't get there until almost 9:20. And it was like that all day actually. It just seemed like there was a different energy today and there was resistance to eezy-peezy and I was focusing on it somehow. Just goes to show you really need to be up on the mental diet stuff or other-than-positive forces creep up on you. The workday at WN was actually more eventful than usual too. 2 of my EHR support staff were there <Yolanda and Yessica> and so I took them out to Chipotle for lunch. Helped me get my steps in as well. And by later in the afternoon it had gotten busy. So much so I needed to move my car from the parking lot to allow for more patient parking. Since it was already almost 3 PM by this time, I decided to bail. And I got home inside of 30 minutes. I felt like I had put in a full day by this time anyway. AND I had already finished the one thing I needed to get done which was to get my presentation for the Communications Meeting tomorrow finished. I thought I had time to take a nap actually. But I didn't. I just chilled until it was time to pick up Johnnie. After all, Tuesday has become my only full day with him just he and I for the entire evening from when I pick him up. There are routines built in to what we do. And tonight I told him we needed to do at least one thing for his Family Tree project as well. Which was the source of the last picture on this post. Johnnie wanted to include the picture of his family, which included his birth family in it in his treasure chest. I already had a picture, but I thought we needed to laminate it so nothing would happen to it. And so off we went to Staples to get THAT done. There was Johnnie posing next to the cardboard house which of course he was trying to get me to consider buying LOL. I told him we only had 22 minutes left until 7:30 which we needed to make IF and only IF we were still going to go to the hot tub. Well of course that was a mandatory for Johnnie. HE was the one rushing me to get home so we could go!! And so of course we went. It was a bit cooler tonight than previous evenings. A fast sign summer is finally beginning to give way to Fall. There was still a breeze, but it wasn't a cooling breeze. More so a cold breeze. And I was the one clinging on to one of the towels we brought. Surprisingly Johnnie was not cold at all. In fact he started with a swim in the regular pool! I can remember when he would resist swimming in the middle of a hot day because it got a little cold in there. Not tonight I guess. He not only got to play in the hot tub, but he swam in the pool multiple times, switching back and forth. And when we got done, he showered off all the chlorine too. Can't say he wasn't clean tonight! And so we had a pretty full Tuesday Johnnie and I, me at work and at home, and Johnnie getting Spanish and basketball done as well. That's our Tuesday for ya. And I STILL as able to do cookie night too. But then we were both pretty tired by 9:30 PM. And dad and son were dozing off to sleep not that much later than that. 

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