Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Tied Up Tuesday

I didn't have to go in to the office today. But uncharacteristically for a Tuesday, I had 4 meetings scheduled today, including the Q Board Meeting after lunchtime. And of course I had to let Johnnie sleep just a tad longer since he didn't get to bed until nearly 10 PM last night. Thanks for that Lisa.So tied up was I that I dropped Johnnie off at school and didn't really hang around much since I had to prep for 3 meetings back-to-back-to-back this morning. I barely had enough time to get breakfast in. There was the Call Center demo at 9, then a Spectrum bill review, and then a check-in for my upcoming talk at NACHC FOM/IT in a month. That one I am not nearly that concerned about, considering I've done it by myself a couple of times already. And then after lunch was the aforementioned Q Board Meeting. I'm not all that concerned about that one either considering I only have about 6-7 minutes tops to present my annual deal. In between I did manage to have a nice lunch at home. No matter what it is STILL a good feeling to be having lunch at home. And have time to walk Claire the dog. So much the pic I posted is off the sidewalk where she did her walk and she stopped to sniff at all those palm tree seedling drops all over the grass. Is this a sign for fall? At least for us here in SoCal? As it was the Q Board Meeting, which was the one I was most concerned of all - it IS a Board Meeting after all - had me waiting more than an hour listening to it all before I had to present. Quite a different meeting than the QHC Board Meeting which was very much operational. Here it was all about how much money was in the investment account. I guess it is definitely important when you have almost $400M in there and the stock market tanked 20%. So there is definitely a drawdown. Kind of like my own investment accounts huh? I buy something last Monday and this morning I'm down almost $2K. Damn. I definitely got caught up in the hype and tried to make a quick buck. Instead I lost. Which means my energy is not in the right place to be sure and I need to make a correction before I do anything else. 
The rest of the day after the Board Meeting I of course had to focus on my steps. Tomorrow is filled with more meetings. And in person at that at the FRB. I didn't expect to be able to do many steps during the day at least. And so I wanted to get as many steps in as I could today. AND get as many active minutes in as I could. It's like I now have a new benchmark of getting to 280 active minutes by the end of Wednesday. Of course who knew I'd end up with 172 active minutes yesterday... a day where I'm in the Health Center most of the day? That was kind of an amazing thing I pulled of right? I picked up Johnnie past 5 PM today. I figured I'd let him play out the day. I picked him up and he was practically sweating still LOL. Hey, it's basketball day for him and Spanish day too. We went to Panda Express to get our dinners and I reminded myself that Tuesday nights were the night that were really fully ours. No Lisa dinner (now on Wednesdays) no pick-up (Thursdays and Fridays) and so we could cruise and do whatever we wanted. Tonight Johnnie had it in his mind that he was going to relax in the hot tub AND play with Prodigy. See the pic I took of him doing just that. Just like his old man. Working on the computer while relaxing.  I didn't go in the water. But I did keep doing steps. So much so I got to 102 active minutes today! That meant I got to 280 steps already. On a TUESDAY! I don't care if I don't get any steps in tomorrow though I'm sure I would. I already made my 280 minutes by Wednesday thing all done.  As it as I did get to 13,000 steps too. That's more than 28,000 steps in 2 days. No wonder I was tired by the end of the evening. No wonder I was nearly dropping off to sleep while I made his milk for the night. Yeah it turned out to be a pretty busy day on a fairly busy week. ANd I was supposed to be chilling before Johnnie's sure-to-be-busy birthday week next week. Not thinking about that yet. Tonight I get to bed early, tomorrow we think about a full meeting day and finishing up Johnnie's treasure box for his family homework. Busy busy busy.

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