Sunday, September 4, 2022

Too Hot To Play

So we're supposed to be at Altadena Golf Course this morning, me having picked that because I knew I wouldn't be playing with Scott the next couple of Sundays because he is out of town. I was saving Penmar for me to play solo during that time. Of course I didn't know it would be over 100 degrees in Altadena today either And so Scott called first thing asking if it was such a smart thing to go out and play in that heat. I was sensitive of course to that time we played at Hansen Dam and it was well over 100 degrees. Scott ended up having a stroke that week and I am not so sure it wasn't because we DID play in such heat. And so it was ok to call off golf today and try to cool off indoors instead.  Besides, I had already dealt with the heat on 2 consecutive days Friday and yesterday. Ok not to add a third day. The funny thing is that whenever I don't end up playing golf, I turn into Lazy Couch Potato Man. Still ok I thought since I had done enough activity during the week that even if I didn't do anything today, I was already at 480 active minutes AND over 71,000 steps. I did think for a split second about going to see Johnnie and Lisa sort of spontaneously. Then again I thought a little distance is ok too especially since I had already spent the entire day yesterday with them. Ok to give myself some ME TIME. I thought about all the stuff I could be doing but I also realize that when I do that, I get disappointed in myself later because I end up never getting to do any of it. And so I kept it simple. I had not done any grocery shopping and I had not gotten to the errands I wanted to finish up, the main one being to turn in my Spectrum gear after finally disconnecting the Internet and cable TV Service. I was absolutely NOT going to pay over $200 a month for it. And getting Frontier at near 500 Mbps wireless and nearly 1 Gig wired at less than $80 a month is definitely a better deal. What I ended up doing was dropping the gear off at the Spectrum by the 3rd Street Promenade and kind of like the reminiscing stuff I did last week, I remembered many a time when I would spend my Sunday afternoon at Barnes and Noble right there at the Promenade. Maybe catching an afternoon movie. I would have done it today except there really wasn't anything to watch that I hadn't downloaded already. I did take a pic for old times sake of the shops along Third and Santa Monica Blvd. Some stores were still there, some not. I remember a La Salsa that is now a Bulgogi place. And walking down the block, there was now a Target near where I parked so I had to stop in and pick up Johnnie's Lunchables for next week.
Finally I got around to doing grocery shopping and I picked up some chicken kabobs for dinner tonight too. Hey it's Labor Day weekend right? What's a Labor Day weekend without a barbecue LOL. Looked pretty good on the grill, when I bit in to them not so much. I did overcook them... but that's ok. And it had cooled off by dusk so I could at least venture outside and do some more walking. After all, golfing pretty much made sure I got at least 80 active minutes in and almost 10000 steps by morning. Not today obviously. Today I spent the afternoon figuring out a way to access Spectrum Sports Net LA since I now don't have Spectrum TV. I did a trial of DirecTV but I had to have an enhanced subscription. What in heck does that even mean? I just want to watch the Lakers and Dodgers. And after October, no need to watch the Dodgers until next year. In the meantime, tonight I watched the latest episode of House of Dragon, the prequel to Game of thrones and when I got done with that, I kept on watching Game of Thrones reruns on HBO Max. I am just wallowing in Digital entertainment aren't I? Heck even Lisa is now watching Schitt's Creek regularly on Netflix. I know this because I can't get on Netflix when SHE is watching. Only important when Johnnie is in the house though because all his favorite stuff is on Netflix. The good thing about tonight is that the weekend is not over yet because tomorrow is a holiday. Hopefully it won't be as hot as today so I can do stuff outdoors. But if not, a rest day is just fine with me. At least I don't have to obsess about what I did or didn't do on the golf course today. I keep reminding myself it is ALL about focus, all about VIBRATION, and all about LETTING GO and ALLOWING MYSELF to experience the golf game that I want. And maybe, a break from golf isn't so bad today anyway. After all, I can't even remember the last time I didn't play golf on a Sunday. Many months at least. It would have nice to have gone out with Candace too, whom I have yet to see face-to-face. But she did ping me today. Maybe we can work something out next week. We will see...

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