Monday, September 19, 2022

Monday At Work and At Rest

I woke up this morning and it felt like negative energies were somehow bubbling up to the surface first thing. A good thing I knew I had to sit and meditate for a bit. And I extended that meditation space to doing it while walking around my neighborhood first thing. After all, it IS Monday and the goal is still to do at least 15,000 steps today, which meant I had to get to 5,000 even before I headed off to work. Yes, I'm babysitting Westlake North clinic again this morning, which really isn't so bad. I had a bunch of meetings anyway so I can easily do those while playing WN Manager. BUT I definitely had to get my first 1/3 of my step goal done first. And so it was that I delved right into the negative emotions and sort of did modified tapping while walking. "Even though I am feeling fear, fear of losing my job, fear of uncertainty, I know that I provide MASSIVE VALUE. That is all I can do and I will keep doing it. And I will trust that the UNiVERSE HAS MY BACK and is always operating in my TRUE BEST INTERESTS. I acknowledge that these negative feelings of fear are just programs and patterns created by a part of me that needs to create chaos. I accept that part of me where it is, just as I accept the part of me that can simply say "No THANK YOU" as I do now. And so I release these feelings of FEAR now. I release feelings of LACK. I release feelings of NOT ENOUGH. I AM ENOUGH. As I have ALWAYS BEEN. I CAN RELEASE AND LET GO." Just reading the words back right now as I write them gave me a feeling of peace. And in that space I KNEW I was going to have a good day. I got my steps in, got showered, packed 2 tuna sandwiches and the half can of tomato bisque soup for lunch, and headed off. Unlike last week, there was hardly any traffic on the freeway. Likely a reflection of the more harmonious and positive patterns I was able to replace those negative thoughts with. I got to the WN clinic, worked there pretty much all day (or at least until 4 PM), didn't leave because I had my lunch, and got to 10,000 steps before I left even. AND 100 active minutes already. And I got some productive work done too, Even the drive home was smooth and relatively traffic-free, unlike last week when it felt like I was stuck in stop-and-go traffic and then came home to being locked out of my own building LOL. 
The energy of peace and calm and harmony stuck the entire day actually, which made this a pretty good day. It was still nice and warm out when I got home but the breeze felt refreshing and I took advantage by walking some more outside, at least until it was time to pick up Johnnie. I got to Lisa's house just as they were finishing dinner. Johnnie was already all packed up and he was excited to go to the hot tub tonight. What? On a Monday night? Usually Lisa would be keeping us as late as she could... or making us participate somehow in her soccer games. But soccer is now on Wednesdays <I wonder how that is going to affect Wednesday night dinner night?>, AND she already said she wanted to watch Schitt's Creek since it is leaving Netflix the first week of October.  I wanted to finish the last episode of the latest season of Roswell, New Mexico. Weird seeing Shiri Appleby as a 40+ year old in this series playing a new character,  where she was playing a high school teenager as a lead role back in the 90s. We all move on don't we? Johnnie got his wish and we got home early enough where he quickly dressed in his swim trunks and literally dragged me to the pool. He didn't care if he got to play for 10 minutes, a half hour, an hour, he was going to go. And I was glad. As he quietly glided underwater, I sat and simply enjoyed BEING THERE. It was still warm out, since it isn't officially fall yet. I'm not ready for the weather to get cold just yet. I simply enjoyed feeling the breeze on my face, and listening to the trees being blown about. Peaceful harmony. And when Johnie got done, we shifted back into regular Monday night mode. That is, Ninjago movies for him, watching cable TV for me. Dodgers win. Again. Even fielded a call from Candace about meditation. Still watching to see if romantic feelings bubble up. Well see... Monday Night Football. Man the Bills look like a juggernaut. But it's week 2. I was so relaxed this evening my BP was well below 120/80. Don't know why I had to take a measurement really. Just checking. As I said I had finished 15,000 steps and almost 150 active minutes. And I got to bed at a decent time. Everything is all good.

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