Friday, September 23, 2022

Definitely A Different Firday Than Usual

Usually on a Friday I'm up at 6 AM trying to get a tee time for Sunday 10 days later. Not today. For whatever reason, and I'd like to think it was because of all the healing and regenerative sleep stuff I've been listening to through the night for the past weeks, I slept right through 6 AM. And in fact it was Johnnie that woke me up because it was almost close to 7 AM! Yikes! Not only did I miss trying to get a tee time, I almost forgot Johnnie spent the night. This was unusual already but now I have to get him to school too. And I was out of stuff. I didn't have any Lunchables to pack for his stuff, I was running out of OJ. So we had to go to Ralphs FIRST before getting his McDonald's breakfast. We got his lunch, ran into Angie and told her we didn't see her <LOL> and scrambled back home. Fortunately, we made up time and did not run behind at all. Johnnie just didn't scooter to school like we planned, we simply drove there and got there well before 8 AM. I still had time to hang out and watch him run around before heading back home. This being a Friday I didn't really have anything calendared, except the Salesforce project meeting and I quashed the project leader's propensity for talking too much and made sure I cut to the chase and got it done in 15 minutes. And THEN I had the rest of the day to chill. Usually I'd be watching some videos. Healing videos, positive energy videos. Videos that would keep my vibration high. I didn't really do too much of those. I didn't even get to meditating this morning. Instead I let my conscious brain drone off a bit. Watched TV <latest episode of SEE> before making myself another cauliflower crust pizza for lunch. Mmmm. No need for a nap either since I really did get some nice sleep last night, albeit interrupted by Johnnie trying to wake me up LOL. I noticed it had gotten warmer again as well, but since I had already had 40 active minutes simply by running around this morning, I didn't push so hard with my steps. Hey it was hot out there. I actually got some work done this afternoon and I noticed the irritation that I felt getting pinged by all these people was nonexistent today. Which meant that I was already in a much better space. I had to be. I got a phone call mid-afternoon that Roge was at Lisa's getting a cleaning and she wanted all of us to go out to dinner tonight. That's all good. She hadn't see Johnnie since Wednesday actually and since Monday before that. So I was happy to make sure she saw him this evening, especially since she booked herself a MudRun tomorrow early in the morning. And it made sense for Johnnie to sleep at my apartment again. No need for all of us to wake up at 6 AM is there?
The day went by quickly actually and before i knew it, it was already close to 5 PM. I promised Lisa we'd get there by then so I picked up Johnnie and off we went to her office, Claire in the backseat. Roge was already done and in the waiting room. Lisa, however, was not. She was still working on stuff, which wasn't out of the ordinary for her. A lab tech even came up to discuss a case with her. Again, nothing that doesn't happen. But today I felt a put off about it. Maybe it was because Roge was there and I'm sure he had been waiting for a while already. And now we all had to wait again. On a Wednesday night I kind of got used to it. Tonight, with another person there, it bothered me. What would I do in her shoes? Would I do anything different? Maybe I'd have everyone go to Starbucks and wait for me. That way we're not sitting there like idiots. That wayJohnnie isn't bored out of his mind. At least with Roge there, it was a guarantee she wouldn't be raging on me, Johnnie or anyone else, though that only means it gets deferred until another time. I sort of fed into Johnnie's head about going to Maria's though Lisa suggested Santa Monica. I was thinking nothing too far so poor Roge wouldn't have to spend too much time driving back. In the end Maria's won out. And Roge and I actually enjoyed some really really good chicken marsala. And Johnnie had his usual bowl of spaghetti. It turned out to be a nice dinner. At least until a whole herd of girls seemingly finished from playing soccer and their parents came in and took more than half the outdoor patio we were in. The cacophony that resulted from the girls made it hard to hear each other talk after that. But that was ok. We were already done with dinner. And so it was that we concluded a very different Friday night with an affirmation that Johnnie was staying with me again for the night, although we did give him the choice. It simply did not make sense for me to get up at 6 AM just to go over there and go back to sleep anyway. It's Saturday. There was no reason for Johnnie or I to get up early. And so the different Friday night became Johnnie doing his usual bedtime routine in my apartment as if it were a weekday. I guess I won't stay up until past midnight binge watching amything tonight. And that's a good thing. I'm out with Johnnine at 10 PM. AND I had already finished timecards AND downloaded the HRSA data this afternoon. Early start for those. I will be done way early for sure. I'm already way ahead than usual :)

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