Sunday, September 11, 2022

And Then There Was Only One

I tried to sustain Sunday golf for as long as I could, and tried to keep a group together, even when Greg left for Arizona. But then Chris <who wasn't much of a regular in the first place> just disappeared and we were left with just Scott and I. And for the next couple of weeks, HE is out of town. And so today it was just me. I missed golf last week because it was so hot. It wasn't nearly as hot today and especially after some rains last night. So I went to play. Just me. I always get hesitant since I don't know who I am going to get paired up with. I hope the people are nice. As it was I ended up joining a group of 3, which really was 3 singles and so it worked out. I cautioned myself about the last time I played here and I got too overconfident. I wanted to focus on visualization today. Immediately as I was warming up on the putting green, I knocked in a long putt and I did that because I focused CORRECTLY and was able to block out anything else going on inside my head. That is the challenge isn't it? To make a long story short, I did not play well today. That's to say I did not make a single par. But I did manage to make a good shot on each hole when I focused like I did on that putt. I remember a particularly long booming drive from the fairway that went over 200 yards and landed smack in the middle of the fairway right in front of the green, about 30 yards out. And there was where I was really messing up today, just fairway chips from right in front of the green or close enough inside of 100 yards. I would try to bump and run it to the hole and ended up flubbing more often than not. Which was worse than when i didn't hit my tee shots well. I had a couple of good ones of those too, and even the bad ones I manage to save with fairway bombs. Those worked for me today. It was just my short game yet again, including my putts. Though on Hole 8, I finally sank a long by focusing exactly like I did in the practice green. What is it about those short chips that bother me? I know it's a program, it's one I have yet to delete apparently. Sigh. Gotta work on it the next week. 

At least being at Penmar means I get done before 11:30 AM and in fact, I get to have my salmon special from Crimson. Except that today I got home so early I decided I'd make myself lunch since I had time. I got some cod from the store, thinking the whole time I needed to get sustainable fish LOL. I also got some Indian lentils and I already had the rice and salad at home. And so it was that i had a pretty good home made lunch today. And followed it up with a nap too. I only knocked off for a half hour but I also followed it up with a bunch of healing audios and a bunch of learning videos too. I thought the one where Aaron Abke was focusing on being nothing in order to circumvent the traps of our own making in our own minds was particularly interesting, hence the picture quote I posted. It reminded me of Arya Stark and being NO ONE. The quote was "a girl that is no one, has nothing to fear". Hmmm. I thought the whole Game of Thrones thread played right into the latest episode of House of the Dragon. They're going to keep talking about that adolescent sex scene to be sure aren't they?!  I managed to finish work I would have otherwise done tomorrow. That would be the timecards, and that would be the HRSA survey. All done by 10 PM. I reflected on the week that passed.  
The entire week went pretty good didn't it? I had a date, I had family night 2x, one at the Third Street Promenade, I got to have Johnnie for 4 nights, and it was a short eezy-peezy work week to boot. And so I fell asleep by 11 PM ready for the next new work week.

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