Friday, September 9, 2022

Weird Weather Friday

Continuing from yesterday's energy of unroutine, this morning I uncharacteristically had Johnnie and Claire in the house so it felt like a regular other-than-Friday morning. Which meant we did the McDonald's run, the breakfast run and then getting Johnnie to school. Unroutinely, I had Johnnie scooter to school this morning which also allowed me to get in a whole bunch of steps and active minutes before I even had breakfast. Usually I would be finding a way to get some meditation in and also finding some learning anchors to work on at least for the morning but then one look at my emails for today and I saw at least 10 invoices I needed to approve. Not that that's a lot of work really, but it IS work. So there could be no tank day for the morning anyway. The other uncharacteristic thing today was that the weather was weird. As in it there were angry, stormy looking clouds in the horizon but it was still warm. If we were in Middle America, we would be thinking tornado weather right about now. Anyway I still did manage to sit and enjoy a nice mug of tea while focusing on what I wanted to get done today. This was a short week and all I had left was a meeting regarding Provider Productipplavity with the CMO and one of his docs.  How many times did I tell those guys NOT to be using the Provider Productivity dashboard because it had algorithms in there that I can't even explain or defend. This meeting was supposed to lock in those definitions once and for all. And I think we did ok actually. At least I thought the meeting ended with all us in attendance being on the same page. I like it when that happens. When the meeting finished, it was well past noon and well past my lunchtime. I actually just had some spinach flatbread, augmented by a little sausage and a lot of pineapple. And the rest of the tomato basil soup I didn't finish yesterday. I wanted to take a nap too, noting that I hadn't really gotten a good night's rest all week and mainly because I chose to watch reruns of Game of Thrones again. I never did get to that nap. But I did manage to do some reflection on my interaction with Candace yesterday. I found myself playing the sage, the Yoda, giving her insight and advice. But when I thought of the things I told her... "When unsure of what to do, you don't have to do anything". "The Universe is constantly giving you messages, and it is your responsibility to hear those messages". Wise words. I wonder if they actually apply more.. to me! Am I at a supposed crossroads like Candace seems to be? Anyway instead of that nap I did put my head down and <gasp> worked the rest of the afternoon. Hey it's timecard day too right? And of course, this being Friday, I have to pick up Johnnie from school. By late afternoon, large drops of rain fell intermittently. Not enough to get you wet really, but it was still rain. And it was still hot and humid outside. So much so, I kept the A/C on in the apartment pretty much all day long. When it was time to pick up Johnnie it was still pretty much hot and humid but Johnnie seemed very much upbeat. And why not? Same happy kid that I've had the last 4 days. I can't explain to him what happened to his mom last night and I'm not even going to try to. And fortunately for Lisa, he didn't really seem to care. Sometimes I get the sense the he prefers staying with me weekdays. And why not? He immediately mentioned Panda Express for dinner and he KNEW I already had that in mind anyway. He knew the routine. I wanted to do the Friday summer thing, Panda Express + Poquito Mas. But when he suggested we just eat at Panda Express, that meant I would have to eat there too and I was fine with that. You never know when Lisa would be ready to pick him up. It could have been at any moment. And so it was that we had Friday night dinner at Panda Express and afterwards he wanted to hurry home because he wanted to watch videos AND go to the hot spa. I was very happy to oblige with the hot spa actually. That meant that no matter what this evening, he wouldn't need to take a shower to go to bed. Besides it gave me the opportunity to finish up my steps for the evening while he was playing with his toys in the water. Who KNEW that would become a THING this summer?! It was about 7:45 when we finally heard from Lisa that she was done with her day. It was still very much humid outside. Kind of like the midwest. I'd say Hawaii but there was definitely no breeze to help cool things off. And it still felt like it could rain at any moment. When Lisa picked him up, she proposed we have breakfast tomorrow morning. She was not working tomorrow and so I gladly accepted since otherwise I wouldn't be seeing Johnnie again until Monday night. Not that I would miss him that much since I did have him the last 4 days already. She needed me to watch him while she played piano and did notes. That meant I'd get to hang out with him for at least a couple of hours and I was happy with that.  Johnnie already had us lined up to shop for sustainable fish to eat. Gotta LOVE LOVE LOVE the stuff that kid learns that he applies. And so Lisa picked him up and I went home to just relax. I already watched Morbius this morning, so I just watched more Game of Thrones. I'm already up to Season 8, the last season. And that was it for the work week. It did turn out to be pretty eezy-peezy. And I gave thanks for that.

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