Friday, September 2, 2022

Not Quite The Day I Wanted But It's Ok

I took the day off for my birthday today and I planned to spend the entire day with Johnnie who had an off-day from school as well. California Admission Day the school calendar said. I think it was just Friday-before-Labor-Day day off and that was perfectly fine with me. Anyway the agenda today was to go to the LA Zoo which has become sort of a ritual with Johnnie and during late summer. But Lisa warned last night that he didn't sound well with all his coughing and I did have to take him out of school early. She urged me to just keep him home today since we're also all going to the Angkor Was exhibit tomorrow at the Cali Science Museum. But Johnnie seemed determined to go so I got the tickets anyway. What I did not factor in was that we were in the middle of a heatwave, as summer seems determined to go out with a bang. This after all was the symbolic last weekend of summer. And the LA Zoo being near Burbank is right smack in one of the hottest zones in SoCal. Anyway what made it worse for me was that I stayed up past 1 AM last night watching Heaven Can Wait. What the fuck was I doing staying up that late watching an inconsequential movie? Now I woke up tired. And on our way to the zoo, I really felt it. The heat does that to you. I was wondering how I was going to drag myself through the day. Turned out it was Johnnie that also got affected by the heat. He still does have that dry cough. We were barely through the entrance and I noticed he was already sweating pretty bad. We had to stop to get water immediately. I got him a hat to shield him from the sun but we made it as far as the flamingos near the entrance before he had to stop again. He did not feel well. And so alas, we turned around and went home from there. He immediately knocked off in the car, poor thing. I went and got Claire, got me some tuna melt from Marie Calendars and went on home. It had been in the high 90s at the zoo. Oh well... at least we got one souvenir pic to show that we at least made it there LOL.
I made Johnnie some udon for his lunch and then he immediately took a nap. And wouldn't wake up until it was nearly 4 PM. Not exactly how I wanted to spend the afternoon with him but under the circumstances, with him not being 100% I thought it was ok. If he were 100% we'd be doing the Panda Express/Poquito Was Friday night dinner run. But instead I got us a half-half pizza. Half for me and half for Johnnie and Lisa. After all, she did say she'd be home immediately after her last patient was done today. She herself was still not 100%. I really did prepare myself to drop Johnnie off at 5:30ish. I figured if Lisa did get home after she got done, then I'd get a phone call right? That phone call never came. Not at 5:30, not at 6:30, and 7:30. In the meantime, Johnnie seemed to have made a full recovery simply from his nap. He was back to his bouncy self, and not only ate some pizza, but also the rest of the udon he barely touched at lunch. I may have had a different mindset thinking I'd be dropping him off at 5 PM rather than much later. But then again I remind myself that I myself am feeling a little tired too from not having had too much sleep last nigwhilht and I would have appreciated an early evening. While Johnnie went bak to watching TV, gravitating back to Llama Llama episodes today, I basically tried some audios that would get me back to a place of relaxation so I could catch up on sleep that way. Sleeping without sleeping as I call it. In the end I brought Johnnie and Claire to Lisa's house around 8:45. Got him ready for bed and actually had him already dozed off by 9:30. It would be almost 10 PM when Lisa would get home. And when I saw her in the kitchen to say goodnight, she must have anticipated that I would tell her how tired I was and met me with a snarky comment about not wanting to hear about that. Ok then. Of course you would have had a long day. What did you expect after taking the last couple off? Anyway all I did was tell her about the zoo and then wished her a good night. I WAS tired and I was already half dozing off myself next to Johnnie anyway. What I did get today was to spend the entire day with Johnnie, albeit we didn't get to do what we wanted to do. Getting an entire full day with him was still pretty rare and I was thankful for whatever time I got with him today. And when I went home, it didn't take long before I myself got to sleep. I still got to watch Samaritan, the new Stallone movie on Netflix. But I looked forward to catching up on rest. Another museum day beckons tomorrow, this time with Lisa. I wonder if she will find some excuse to muck that one up?!

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