Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Blowing My Top Right Off The Bat

It is a short work week. And I had a pretty restful 4-day weekend. It should have been a quiet day albeit I'm at Westlake North all day today, doing Health Center babysitting. Already on my drive to work I am hit by traffic on the 10 Freeway though you couldn't tell from the pic I posted. What you COULD tell is that the sun is already high and it is already warm, meaning it was going to be more of the same in terms of high temps today. Good that I'm going to be in an air-conditioned office all day. I had my usual 9 AM meeting with the IS Team and I started the meeting in transit since I didn't actually get to WN until it was past 9 AM. It was not a good thing. Noriel informed us that his Domain Controller upgrade failed over the weekend. And I blew my top. I asked him for a date (he agreed to 9/1 but put it off until this past weekend) and I reminded him a week ago to try to do this in stages since he's going from Server 2008 (had i KNown that myself I would have made him do this long ago... and it is my fault that I was not more proactive) all the way to 2019. That's 3 upgrades in one. Of course it would have taken a while. Which is why I was urging him to try in on a sandbox. For the life of me I do NOT understand how someone working in IT does not have an inherent curiosity at the very least to try new things, and at worst, to be able to get comfortable with these upgrades in a sandbox. I mean that is simply standard operating procedure. And the fact that Noriel didn't do any of these contributed to the fact that he failed this past weekend. Which made me angry. I took it out on the team. I told them that they should have known better. It felt like 2013 when EVERYTHING needed to be upgraded. And I absolutely lost patience. My next phone call after the meeting was to Jorge. And I asked him to look over Noriel's shoulder remotely today and to find out what in the FUCK he was or wasn't doing! 
It took me a while to blow off steam. I was so angry. Don't these guys know by now how much I don't tolerate mediocrity? Fortunately for them and me, I had lots to work on, lots to catch up and I was kept pretty busy for the entire morning. I try to stay out of the way of the staff pretty much but this morning they actually had some questions for me so it was all good. For lunch I did venture outside in the heat and went to Chipotle. And noticed that my heart rate got to 120+ pretty quickly. No problems getting 60-70 active minutes today I don't think. I ended up staying the entire day at Westlake, the entire day defined as until 4 PM. The only reason I went home at that time was because I had already left Claire for almost 8 hours. I got in, took her out for a quick walk, updated with Jorge about the Domain Controller thing, and then it was already time to get Johnnie. He had a big day today. Not only was it the start of basketball sessions at STAR, Lisa also enrolled him in the Spanish Academy for an hour twice a week. That would mean that he is doing Spanish for at least a half hour for 4 days  a week. Pretty sure he will pick it up then. I wanted to give him a bit of a reward for being so engaged in school today. We went to Panda express for dinner and he and I ate there and then went to McDonald's right after so he could get an ice cream sundae. Now THAT is a reward. I will say that Tuesdays have evolved into my favorite day of the week. That's because Johnnie and I get to hang out just he and I after school. We could do things like grabbing ice cream spontaneously and not have to worry about anything or anyone (hint hint: his mom). And it's cookie night too. AND these days he watches Ninjago videos. How did he pick THaT up? Now we have one more attraction to see when we go to Legoland. And so it was that I actually had a pretty good day, the blow-up in the beginning notwithstanding. Jorge urged me not to be so hard on the guys. I think he had probably experienced that from me when HE worked for me LOL. At the end of the day, didn't all I have to do was to focus on the outcome that everything worked and no one knew it didn't? I was pretty tired by the time Johnnie got to his bedtime. I ended up walking 80+ active minutes today. That is to follow up yesterday's 150 active minutes. I didn't go to bed immediately though. Now I'm stuck in a loop watching GoT reruns. Ay! Had to watch 3 episodes before going to sleep. Now I'm going to need to catch up tomorrow again. sigh.

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