Monday, September 12, 2022

Monday Reset; Getting Tested

After 2 straight short weeks, I not only have to do a regular week but I also have to start today at Westlake North to babysit. Immediately I shifted to making sure my Monday routines get done. That is, a focus period early to set the tone for the week, and of course finding a way to get to 15,000+ steps today. The only way I do that was to start with 5000 first thing and so that is what I did. I got up to do my walk around 7 AM. No one was out just yet and I will say it felt pretty peaceful walking around my neighborhood. I'm sure if someone were to wake up and look out their window and see me doing my version of up-downs, which is to say to PowerWalk down my garage incline and then Powerwalk back up they might think I was strange or something. I do it because that raises my heart rate quickly past 120 bpm and doubles my active minutes logged. So much so that by the time I got done with my 5000 steps before heading in to work, I was already at 50 active minutes as well. Getting past 100 today would be a breeze. And speaking of a breeze, I meditated on having another eezy-peezy week this week and I also noted that it was not quite as hot as it had been all weekend. There were actually clouds out, nicely framed in the sky when I drove in to work as you can see in the posted pic. Of course though I may have started nicely, I was for sure going to get tested. First, by Nelson bugging me about his timecard first thing even as I was driving to work. I seemed to have missed some punches when I was fixing his timecard, What got me irritated was that he seemed to want to get it done right then and there. I curtly told him to just email me his correction to my correction. And then in the middle of the morning, I got an email from Lupe letting me know what action items were noted from my presentation to the Management Committee regarding the IS Audit. That got me irritated too but more so simply because it was a pattern that got triggered. The pattern was that someone was thinking I was not competent and that my job was in jeopardy. Whether it is or not, I simply got triggered. And so I had to tell myself to simply let it go for now. Whatever information they need, they don't need it tomorrow. I have time. And I simply reminded myself that I am not only competent, I am pretty damn good and I all I gotta do is do ME and that is enough. If it isn't, it's their prerogative to do what they do and I will be fine regardless. The challenge to me is that I may be getting tired of all of this which is why I really do need to create alternative sources of income just in case. Why have I not done that yet I ask myself?
I stayed the whole day at WN today. Even brought in my own lunch. Tuna sandwiches and my cup of yellow lentil soup. If I were home, it would be more than sufficient. So why did I walk to Burger King to get some tacos? Because I was getting the EHR Team whoppers for their lunch since they came. What I noticed on the walk to BK was how much cooler it was out there. Not fall cooler, but not blazing hot like last week either. There was even a breeze actually which was nice. And when I went home I wasn't sweating in my car with the A/C on either. It actually turned into a pleasant day. By then I had also managed to get to 10000 steps already by 4:30 PM and more than 100 active minutes. I was doing really good. And I got my EHR Team Meeting done and all the stuff due today all done too. So I had one more test waiting.  I came home and my clicker to the garage wouldn't work. At first I thought it was just the clicker. But then my fob didn't work either. Uh-oh. I can't get into my own building?? I had to wait until a resident came out to the front door before I was able to get let in. And from that point, I was really hamstrung. I barely got a parking spot in the visitor area. And now I have to give it up because... I have to pick up Johnnie. I guess there was some sort of blackout because LA DWP had shut down parts of National and Sepulveda. Anyway I made myself some of those breaded chicken I got from Whole Foods for dinner. But then an hour later I got an invite for dinner. From Johnnie no less. Apparently they had cooked the barramundi and they wanted me to join. It was already 7 PM by this time. Doesn't Lisa know I don't wait this late to eat? Still I was very pleasantly surprised when I got to Lisa's house and they had a spread waiting. How can I not appreciate that? OF COURSE I had to join them. My son wanted to literally feed me himself he was so proud. And he made himself chicken too. It was awesome. How can I be irritated at this? I appreciated it and ate what I could. And then Johnnie and I and Claire went back to the apartment. As I expected, there were no spots left. No one could get in to the garage. I had to park in the prospective tenant spots at the Leasing office across the street. And then I put blue tape on some of the doors so I could let myself back in. Oh well... a minor inconvenience I'm sure. Not going to let it bug me. I had had a pretty good day regardless and Johnnie starts his week with me. Everything isa all good.

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