Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Staying Awake Just A Little Longer Each Day

I watch Johnnie and his friends running around the school yard before their class started and first of all, it was a joy to watch.  I posted this same pic on FB with the caption I will never from now on take for granted Johnnie simply being able to play in the school yard with his classmates. Not after the pandemic, not that it's 100% done. But at least they get to be kids again. Who doesn't appreciate that?! As is now customary on a Wednesday, I am spent the morning at the FRB, doing my one-day stint there. I thought it was ok since I did NOT have to go in to WN yesterday. Not that I was needed there today or any other Wednesday, but since most of the Admin folks are there today, I might as well pop in and show my face. Besides, Wednesday is now the time I get to spend in the FRB gym doing resistance training. Kind of like Tuesdays was the day back at the AT&T Building when I was still working at USC Stevens. It became basketball day. But that was 10 years ago now. Ok Ok, it's only once a week. Better than nothing though. And at least I felt good about doing 120 reps of SOMETHING. I stil feel pretty strong. Not as strong as I was when I was in my 30s clearly, but still pretty damn strong. I also had lunch at the FRB Cafeteria. Salmon salad today, and so I ate relatively healthy not knowing what we are going to eat tonight when we go to Lisa's office and have dinner afterwards. On the drive to the office I thought about having the best day possible and I didn't know what that would look like exactly. But I did know what it would feel like, and so I threw it out there and let the Universe lead. I went home after lunchtime and just chilled until it was time to pick up Johnnie, which was Part 2 of today. I also managed to do enough steps by the time I picked up Johnnie that I was already up to 7000 steps and 50 active minutes. Getting to 280 active minutes for the week by today was a cinch. Maybe that was why I felt a little tired by the time we got to Lisa's office. So much so I just basically pulled up on one of her operators chairs and enjoyed the view. She does have a nice view from the window chairs. Hard to believe this was part of a suite in the early 2000s that housed Bally's where I would come work out. This was the view from the treadmills LOL. I even got some work done reaching out to Jorge to look over Noriel's shoulders one more time. Funny how doing that got his ass going last week. If that is what I will pay Jorge for, to become catalyst to get our projects going even just a tad faster, then it is money well spent.  As it was Johnnie had a pretty good Spanish class from my vantage point. In the meantime, Lisa hardly said 2 words to us, not even acknowledging that we were around. That usually meant that some drama was going on and I'm sure we would hear all about it before, during, and after dinner. Finally after we stayed out of her way for almost an hour, she yelled for us and said she was ready to go.  The funny thing is that whatever drama is going on is pretty predictable depending on who she is talking to. Of course her billing person Jackie has yet again done something that tweaked Lisa. This time it was all about refunds. Lisa was actually acting like she was ready to get off the ledge yet one more time. Usually this would end up with her projecting at me or Johnnie or both of us. But as we were both getting ready to get yelled at, something different happened. I offered an opinion and Lisa actually listened. And her negative emotions got de-escalated somehow. I don't know how really, I don't really care. We went to Mitsuwa for dinner and we ended up having a retro Mitsuwa night. I remember we would come here Mondays for dinner before going to music class. This was years ago. And it had been a while that all three of us had eaten here together. Another retro dinner moment I guess. Johnnie had his udon and rice, Lisa had her tempura shrimp, and I had breaded chicken and shrimp too. And of course Johnnie had to get dessert from the supermarket. Surprisingly, we ended up having a decent dinner night. And then Lisa dropped us off and we went on home. Way too late to go to the hot spa, but Johnnie managed to have his usual slate of Ninjago videos. In the meantime, his new car booster came. And I wanted to put it together, not that it needed a lot of work. But I went ahead and installed it in my back seat ready for testing tomorrow! I'm excited! I had an early night for the second night in a row, noting that I logged a sleep score of over 80 last night for the first time in months. I felt rested. And I would love for more of the same tonight. I felt like I was very much balanced all day today no matter what. I felt awake spiritually and emotionally. I didn't think about yesterday, I didn't think about tomorrow. I thought about today, in the moment. And everything worked out.

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