Monday, September 5, 2022

Happy Labor Day

Today is Labor Day and so today is the symbolic end of the summer break. It is also a day off for us and so I of course welcome the short week. On the flip side this also marked the fourth straight day of high heat and so I had no intentions of spending a lot of time outdoors today. This being a Monday I still intended to do 15000 steps today and as much active minutes as I can given the heat <I had memories of that day I pushed myself likely when my body was in full ketosis and I started bleeding again in July> Today I knew I had to start early and get to at least 5000 steps before it even started getting hot. And so out I went by 8 AM and I already noticed it was warmer than usual. As in I was already starting to sweat not even 5 minutes into a walk. As it was I did manage to get to not just 5000 but 6000 steps after 9 AM and although I worked up a sweat, I didn't feel physically stressed at all. As in this was just like a normal walk out in the golf course. Takes the place of all that walking I didn't do yesterday LOL. And with a cold homemade pineapple smoothie, I was good to go. I could enjoy the rest of my day off. If I could spend the rest of the day napping on the couch and just listening to healing audios all day long I would have done so. And I actually tried but then there were little nagging things that sort of caught my attention as if bugging me and making me feel guilty for having a lazy day. Shouldn't i be learning options i heard in the back of my head? After all, don't I want to build passive income? Yes of course. Shouldn't I be working on various knicks and knacks like my eyesight that gets blurry every now and then but then goes away just as fast? And of course I'm still peeing at least once in the middle of the night. And lunch? What about lunch? Tuna salad would be great if I added pickles wouldn't it?! All these thoughts seemingly flitting in and out at random. I should have just meditated them all away. But I didn't. And so I ended up doing stuff here, stuff there, cleaning the bathroom sink but not the bathroom floor. Putting away the cables from all the equipment I returned yesterday. Must admit, the TV stand looks sleeker.
I never did get to my nap in the afternoon. Although it was hot out I still managed to do exercise indoors this time. And I got to 10,000 steps seemingly without that much effort and I was already well past 100 active minutes and it wasn't even 3 PM yet. You can see from the pic I posted how I felt about the heat outside. I don't seem to remember it being all that hot the past couple of Labor Day weekends. For the first time all summer, my A/C went on. Oh well, at least I hung on until September. Still, this being a Monday I did think about the rest of the week and reflected that last week seemed to have a potential blip in that Lisa came down with a cold and so did Johnnie actually. And it did affect me in that I wasn't really able to have the kind of time I would have if it wasn't all that hot and if he wasn't coughing a lot. But I'm still grateful that I did manage to spend some time. And tonight of course it's back to the usual pick-up routine at Lisa's house. They were supposed to go to a barbecue at Joah's house today but since I saw Lisa's mom leaving just as I got there I don't think they went at all. Again the combination of heat+cold virus did them in. I think they ended up watching a lot of TV actually, something of a rarity with Lisa. But I know she was on Netflix watching Schitt's Creek again because I had to upgrade my Netflix subscription so we both could watch at the same time, although really I was watching Game of Thrones reruns most of the day. Blended in well with the new episoded of House of Dragon i thought. Anyway I focused on this week being an eezy-peezy week and looking at the calendar there doesn't seem to be anything big on tap. Which makes it kind of a trap week. This means I need to just allow an eezy-peezy week to unfold. And anyway, I got the day off today and I did not even once look at emails and texts. Those can wait until tomorrow. In the end, I ended up having a pretty quiet day. And I don't complain about those one bit.

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