Thursday, September 22, 2022

Chill Thursday and More Cleaning Up

I put the picture of Johnnie in the middle of his Spanish class looking very much hard at work because it showed exactly that, how hard we do make him work. It is a subtle reminder... to MYSELF as I look at how he did with his writing/grammar work at school and was again disappointed that he missed 2 out of the 5. Better than missing all of it like he did a couple of days ago, but I wanted to make sure he knew that I expected him to do better. Not because I'm that crazy parent that pushes and pushes their kid. Ok, maybe a little. But I also know he is capable of getting them all right IF he simply takes his time and think about the question or problem. That's me thinking he is just like me plowing headlong arrogantly thinking I can handle anything. I remind myself of the PMP exam the first time when I did that. When I actually got down to studying I passed it fairly easily. So to me, I need to make Johnnie understand that he has to put in the work. Just as importantly, I need to learn to be patient with him as well and not push so hard. We KNOW he is intelligent already. We simply need to push just enough so he doesn't take the work required for granted. Or he ends up like his dad, spending his Thursday with his feet propped up on the couch watching multiple episodes of the Jason Momoa series SEE on Apple TV. THAT series is in its third season actually and as far as dystopian futures go I do like it. Not too techie like 12 Monkeys. More like Walking Dead in that regard. Anyway I spent the afternoon watching it until I was caught up. And then watched ping after ping from work on my phone, either on chat or email. And I tried to ignore them all but I could also sense my own irritation building up... As in "LEAVE ME ALONE FOOLS!!". Still, better I'm here at home than at the office or the health centers like the last few days. I thought that very thing as I enjoyed some nice shrimp and channa masala and rice for lunch. I actually did have another meet-up with Candace today but she called it off and I was more relieved that I didn't have to go. Hmmm... is the steam off of that possibility gone? It's not like I felt we had a strong romantic connection anyway right?
I wanted to note that I had also been sleeping much better the last couple of nights so I didn't really need a nap after lunch. What I did do was catch up on steps AND clean up around the house. I ordered one of those kitchen carts so I can put all those appliances I now use <toaster, mini juicer, full juicer> away without cluttering up the kitchen top. Look at the pic. Much neater and does not take up much room. AND it only cost me $40. This followed all that cleaning up I did on my desk last week including all the electronic gear I needed to get rid of. The DECLUTTERING THURSDAYS continues LOL. For dinner, Johnnie and I had pizza/pasta night. He had spaghetti and Trader Joe's pizza, I had penne and meat sauce AND a half cauliflower crust pizza. You'd think we would spend some time at the hot tub but Johnnie and I got too busy actually, me on assembling that kitchen cart, Johnnie working on his new Ninjago book that he had in his mind to create. I am all for it of course. Just as soon as I drill him on more grammar and writing. Looks like we found his academic weakness. But not for long if I have anything to do about it. The evening sort of just went on until it was already 8:30 when I looked up. I didn't even notice that Lisa hadn't called yet. And when I gave her a call, she was just heading home from her parent's house <Sierra Madre>. A quick chat with Johnnie and we all agreed Johnnie would stay the night again and we would all see each other tomorrow. And so I get to have Johnnie for a Thursday night uncharacteristically. Which meant I get to sleep early again. I am NOT complaining about that at all. Just a different Thursday night is all and very much welcomed to be sure. 

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