Thursday, November 10, 2022

Winding the Week Down

I'm already on wind-down-the-week mode this morning. That's because Johnnie has no school tomorrow because of Veteran's Day and I took the day off so we could hang out. And then this morning as I was waiting with Johnnie for him to get let in to class, one of the mom's came up to me and asked what he was doing tomorrow. That would be Emari's mom and she told me it was her birthday today and she is having a birthday party tomorrow afternoon at Mar Vista Bowlero and invited Johnnie to come. We were already planning to go to the LA Zoo but since the party didn't start until 4 PM, I was sure we could make that. And Johnnie already got invited by Emari herself and asked if he could go. So it appears we have a full day tomorrow! This being a Thursday still, it was a pretty quiet morning and altogether a pretty quiet day. I did an IS Meeting just to make sure my team knew what I was doing with the ACSI stuff and moving forward with it. And ditto with the EHR team really. And really today was also payday since tomorrow is a holiday for banks. Which meant I woke up this morning with my checking account already at >$50,000. And my liquid assets just in checking, savings, and liquid investment accounts was already over $100K. They say it's the first $100K saved that is always the hardest. Like going from that point to $1M is easier. We will see. But I am grateful grateful grateful that I'm even there to begin with. Not many Americans are. And so really today is effectively my Friday since I'm not working tomorrow and the paycheck that came this morning already made it feel like so. The only thing was I had to pick up Johnnie earlier than usual because his Spanish class now starts an hour earlier what with the time change and all. We will figure it out though and for now, it just has to happen an hour earlier. 
Actually tonight turned out to be pretty busy. There was Spanish class and that felt weird enough having gotten done before it was even 4:30 our time. And then of course I had to make Johnnie his chicken and rice dinner. And he was eating that right at 5 PM. And getting done well before 5:30 PM. I told Johnnie we had to make sure and get a present for Emari tomorrow. We were NOT going to show up to that birthday party empty handed. Fortunately, Johnnie already had his ideas about what to get her. Of course it would be Pokemon cards and I had to be sure he knew it was FOR HER not for himself. He assured me that she loved Pokemon cards, which was good enough for me. We headed out to ITS GAME TIME in Culver City. And I remember going there last in early June with Johnnie when I gifted him some Pokemon cards for what reason I don't even remember. It was very trafficky heading east bound on any streets I noticed, a sign that something was up in the freeways. People were taking side streets. And it took almost a half hour just to get not even 2 miles from the apartment. But the ride back was quick and I was glad this was accomplished. Johnnie spent the next hour or so wrapping up the present in his own inimitable style. Notably, he used stuff he had brought home from STAR that was cluttering up his desk as sort of a fastener system. It actually turned out pretty good. When Lisa called to check on us, it was already almost 7 PM. But we were done with our errands. I drove Johnnie and Claire over and got an invite for breakfast for tomorrow morning since Johnnie doesn't have school and Lisa doesn't have to take him. I went home and noticed that the scratchy throat that had come up yesterday was better, but now I have a bit of stuffiness in my nose. Great. I've come down with that rare disease... the common cold! Hopefully I can use frequencies to alleviate and even heal this thing. I ended up watching the new episodes of Warrior Nun. <what on earth attracts me to these kinds of shows?> and it was past midnight when I finally got to bed. And that's ok. It's Friday on a Thursday isn't it?

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