Saturday, November 12, 2022

Half Day Johnnie Saturday

I'm back to Lisa's house first thing this morning to pick up Johnnie since it is a Lisa work Saturday. It seemed like she was avoiding talking to me and really that's ok. She wasn't going to be with us all morning which is all the time I have Johnnie for today. He has another big day tomorrow, celebrating his brothers' birthday and his as well and so I'm sure mom and son had plans to pick up presents and stuff. It is her turn and that is for later. I didn't have any time to process all the stuff from the last part of last night dropping Johnnie off and the more I got clear, the more I am sensing that the cold and sinus clog I am experiencing right now is somehow related to that emotional blip from last Wednesday. Something affected my immune system. That would be the only non-positive blip all week I thought. I needed to process and release it and I didn't do a good job of doing so. And so now my nose seems stuffed but the fact that the sore throat that came up last Wednesday night and Thursday morning is now all but gone and has turned into different symptoms is all the more verification that in fact I need to deal with some internal stuff. I will have the afternoon to do just that. In the meantime, it is back to maximizing whatever time I had with Johnnie today. And that meant taking a shower together and getting him cleaned up and then heading out to Elysee for breakfast. My body must have been shocked, 2 showers in 2 consecutive days? And both at Lisa's house? Anyway that's the pic of Johnnie at Elysee, notable because we ran into 2 people we knew, one was Dr. Hassam Nowzari, the former dental perio faculty at USC. And someone who knew Lisa well. He came over and said hello and I made sure Johnnie reached out to say goodbye later on when we finished. And then there was the guy who was always there on Saturdays before the pandemic. He used to come in his motorcycle all the time. And he always had a hoot talking to a much y0unger Johnnie. Just one of the characters that had frequented Elysee over the years. And if it was a Saturday morning regular, he would have known Johnnie. Anyway he came over too and said hello. Maybe this was yet another indicator that things are coming back to normal. Seeing all these people from the past. We probably could have gotten Johnnie a free cookie too except that it got pretty busy by the time we got done and had to leave. That's ok... we needed to go shopping for me anyway at Sprouts. I already bought Lisa's vegetables yesterday so no need for that. Johnnie simply wanted to go back to the apartment and do his Pokemon stuff. He knew he had to be at his mom's office by 11:30 this morning for his cleaning and that was ok. In fact when we got there, Melissa and her kids Simon and Isaac were there too. I guess they'll be hanging out for the afternoon as well. Hey, it IS Lisa's turn.
As for me I went home and immediately tried to get lunch in. That and get my laundry done. I had it in my mind I needed to work on my presentation for the Management Meeting on Tuesday too. But somehow I put it off until tomorrow. And anyway I already made plans for this afternoon. I was going to see Black Panther 2 Wakanda Forever at the AMC Century City mall. I went to the 1:35 showing and I could see it was going to last almost 3 hours! And why not. First the whole movie was sort of part tribute to Chadwick Boseman and part a processing of grief for his passing. I could only imagine the actors going through all this while filming. It was like they were processing real grief while making the film and telling the story. As far as the story, there was a new protagonist in the appearance of a new world power almost. Only this one came from the sea. It was Namor, the Marvel Superhero I used to watch named Namor the Submariner from Atlantis. This version was way different. He was of Mayan descent and his people cane from the ancestors of the indigenous peoples of Mexico in the Yucatan peninsula. Very interesting take. Anyway, just like comics, he had wings on his ankles and moved like lightning and commanded a huge army that also had vibranium. They were easily a match for the Wakandans. Except... they needed to be in water. So many story arcs to deal with. The new iron man, or Iron woman? Now a Harvard prodigy that could design suits like Tony Stark did. And of course the new Black Panther was none other than Shuri herself. I'm ok with that. Except in the end credits when they introduced a young T'Chalah who was apparently the son of T'challah and Nakia. Anyway all I can say was that I got a little sniffly for some parts of the movie myself. It WAS a good movie though by the time it was done it was already starting to get darker outside and I had to deal with a whole lot of people exiting the Century City parking structure. By the time I got home it WAS already dark and I was already thinking about dinner. Unfortunately I was focusing more on my physical cold symptoms and decided to deal with it the physical way, which was to just park on the couch, drink hot tea and watch more TV. In this case, the warrior Nun. I'm not sure what it is about that series that attracts me, but then again do I even know? I watched Peripheral too and that was far more interesting. And far more techie. That's ok. I just have to focus on getting early sleep tonight and then on to golf in the morning. 

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