Friday, November 11, 2022

LA Zoo and Emari's Birthday Party

It's Friday, Johnnie has the day off for Veterans' Day and I took the day off too. So first off, I picked up Johnnie and we all had French toast for breakfast at Lisa's house. And we were off to the zoo shortly thereafter. I was eager for a do-over from my Birthday Friday off where we didn't even make it past the flamingos because Johnnie was coughing so bad he really didn't feel well. This time we got our money's worth to be sure. First of all, I realized we did exactly the same thing a year ago for last year's Veteran's Day off. And with the pandemic still in full force really, the lines were so long, including every food line. Not so bad this year as we went to the same exact place we had lunch last year. AND they had more food choices again too. Anyway we stuck around until past 2 PM this time. And we got to visit the animals again. Pictures below. 

We were both so tired when we got home. Me from not having too much sleep last night and Johnnie from walking around so much. He slept for an hour and a half. As did I. And when we both woke up it was already time to head off to activity #2, which was his classmate Emari's birthday at Bowlero Mar Vista. He had so much time. Not much to say except and I'm simply going to let the pictures speak for themselves. Especially the last time with Tyke, Emari, and Johnnie.


Should I even mention that Lisa was almost her downer self when I dropped Johnnie off and almost spoiled the feel of the entire day? She was irritated and cussin' f-- Jackie this and f-- Jackie that. I had to tell her to stop. And when I started to take Johnnie's jacket back, that evidently triggered something. She got upset ... gee what else is new .... hid in her office and said not to talk to her ever again. Gee... Promise? Really? Like I want to talk to her anyway when she's in her shit moods! I sent Johnnie in to her office to give her a hug and then went home. Hand-off done I was NOT going to let her spoil our very very EXCELLENT day. 

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