Monday, November 21, 2022

Start of Thanksgiving Week

We reached the Monday of Thanksgiving week, which makes this a very short week. And indeed I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do for Thanksgiving. I still wanted to go to Legoland with Johnnie like we did last year but I don't think I'm going to get there without taking Lisa with us. I really didn't want to focus on it today. The Thanksgiving lunch for Lisa's office is on my mind. Lots of things to do, to prep, to cook. And that will effectively take all morning tomorrow. But before even that I wanted to take my car in for an oil change since the maintenance light is on. I wanted to get that done today especially if I was even thinking about driving down to San Diego sometime this week. Instead of going to Honda dealer though, I went to Jiffy Lube, the closest one being just a mile away near the 10 freeway entrance on Overland. The last couple of times I went to a Honda dealer I ended up spending way more than I thought I would, especially the last time in April which set me back over $700. This way I get a straight up oil change and tire rotation which I believe is all I need for now. And it would be done inside of an hour. If anything I could start my steps while waiting. Which is exactly what I ended up doing. The oil change took just a tick under an hour, And they did tire rotation and vacuumed the inside of my car too. And it cost me $180. I'm good with that. My car felt good as new even. AND I even got 3000 steps in already just going up and down the stairs while waiting in the office lounge area. And then I finally went to Ralphs and picked up the turkey for tomorrow. I didn't want to buy it early but I realized I needed to give it 24 hours to thaw. Finally when I got back to the apartment it was just 9:30 and I knew I had already done the must-do's for today, with the exception of my IS Team Meeting which I set for this afternoon. Right around lunchtime I got a call from Lisa. She told me she had just tested positive for COVID. That takes care of that in terms of Thanksgiving Day for her doesn't it. She first thought she would keep Johnnie with her the whole time in quarantine, which didn't make sense to me. She said she didn't want him to make ME sick. I told her to go ahead and test him too just to see. And that I had no concerns about catching COVID. Not from Johnnie anyway. He had already had it. i told her I'd check back later on after the work day was done. Not that there was a whole lot to do today. But I did finish my team meeting. And I did get to 10,000 steps already before it was even 4 PM. I got another call from Lisa around that time. And it wasn't actually Lisa. It was Johnnie letting me know that it was dinner time. Huh? At 4 PM? I headed over there around 4:30. Was gifted by another awesome sunset that I had to take a pic of. It turned out that the phone call was all Johnnie. How could it be Lisa? She was half asleep on the couch. Which made me wonder what she was thinking keeping Johnnie? She could barely get up off the couch! How was she going to take care of him? Fortunately she did reach that conclusion as well. And I noted that I had to wash her dishes that had piled up in the sink. Made sure she had enough water. And then Johnnie and I took off for my apartment. He hadn't had dinner yet. And reminded me it was chicken and rice night. Well, it was I that made him stick to routines after all. And so I had to make him chicken and rice for dinner.  I made me that Sprouts flatbread pizza augmented with pineapple chunks. And then I put Johnnie to work with some of the prep work for tomorrow's lunch. Still gotta cut onions, celery, carrots.  Had to peel potatoes since I'm mashing them tomorrow. And of course Johnnie was still able to watch his Ninjago, or Bakugan or whatever else he wanted to watch. He would have been stuck at Lisa's trying to amuse himself with hardly anything otherwise. In the meantime, I do hope Lisa gets in healing mode. And I note to myself that with all kinds of people around me in need of healing, what the heck am I waiting for if I could heal them? Not just Lisa, but Dexter, even Jorge. And especially... myself. Already the news of Lisa contracting COVID has already pulled my attention to whether I myself have it. Or if Johnnie does. Which makes me realize it is yet another attempt at clarification. The Unvierse testing me whether i still identify with the physical and with 3D reality. Still gotta learn. But I AM getting there. Make no mistake about that too. I am getting there.

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