Wednesday, November 16, 2022


It's Wednesday and the day after the big Management Meeting and half of me doesn't want to do anything yet, particularly about all the initiatives that are percolating in my head. That is the half, or course, that is reminding me I was already thinking of retiring and living off my savings an entire year ago when I was close to $1M saved up. I decided I wasn't ready then and then the rug got pulled up under those retirement savings and the stock market lost a third of its value all year. Anyway all that stuff is STILL my problem until it isn't anymore and that's ok. I am still here to provide MASSIVE VALUE where I can. But I really need to carve out some time to learn how to and just go expand my assets so I can go back to retirement mode. And so I head to the FRB today since it is Wednesday and I have a nice breakfast sandwich on a croissant to start the day. It wasn't a particularly busy day at the FRB and I only had 1 meeting. I note that I chose not to go to the gym for the 3rd Wednesday in a row now but I did get at least up to 4000 steps already. I also note that in the spirit of finally getting out of the cloud of the pandemic, it was nice to see old colleagues come up to me and say hello. Ruben from FRB Facilities stopped by and said hi. And the old police staff came by the entire suite to talk holiday safety. It was also good to be talking about the holiday plans at the FRB, and for the first time in 2+ years we could actually talk about getting together for real. I always used to avoid the gift stuff during the holidays parties and elected to sit those out and go home instead. Today I'm wondering why. Of course not every memory of the FRB was pleasant. I happened to look out my window and saw a homeless woman right below my window. And she was getting kicked out of her spot. She just upped and pee'd right there on one of the supporting posts like one of those domesticated dogs out on a walk. Sad to think there are people out there like that. Still, I not only had breakfast there at the FRB, I had lunch too. Shredded beef quesadillas today. Pretty good too though I convinced myself it wasn't enough. So what did I do? I made a stop at Phorrito for a 2nd lunch! For some reason I had some hankering for beef pho. Hey it's sort of cold out there isn't it? Pho would be really good. Again I think it's more like a memory of something good I've had and I wanted to have it again right now just because I could. And so I slurped all of that down as soon as I got home. And I definitely felt really full. And I did so while watching the latest episode of Andor. This particular series is getting pretty emotionally heavy, much more so than the other series in the Star Wars Canon and there were already some serious stuff in Mandalorian and the Book of Boba Fet. All really really good though.
And so we go on to the 2nd part of the day, which was the Johnnie pick-up. I debated about whether to actually go to Lisa's office afterwards so we all could have family time and Lisa and I had already discussed whether that had any value anymore actually. I had already leaned towards not going and simply making Johnnie a pizza at home. That was, until he mentioned going to dinner at Pitfire Pizza tonight. This was not the first time he had mentioned this. But today he mentioned it the same moment Blair came by to pick up Brooklyn and Bailey. And when I agreed to take him, which was to say, later on closer to 5 or 5:30, he immediately relayed info to Brooklyn. And within minutes, the kids were asking the parents if they could go to Pitfire Pizza together. I said why not?! It's early but hey I didn't care when Johnnie ate dinner just as long as he did eat dinner. It turned out that my decision was made for me already. And so off we went to Pitfire Pizza, getting there well before 4:30. I got Johnnie his cheese pizza and got me a BBQ chicken pizza too. It was then that I saw a text from Lisa's office asking us to come by at 6 PM. Doesn't THAT work out all of a sudden. We could eat now, bring food to Lisa later and we don't have to wait at all for anyone or anything! I framed it as the kids' doing of course. And that wasn't a lie anyway. Look at Brooklyn and Johnnie in the pic. Johnnie even used the word :date: to describe this particular event. Wow, my child is talking about dating already! Certainly the kids had fun and of course Lisa wouldn't have anything bad to say about that. Especially not after Bailey made her a bracelet from the Wiggly Six the kids got and made it a point to let me know this was a present to her from Bailey! Winner winner I'd say! We had plenty of food leftover and at the end of the day I was simply glad the kids got another chance to get together and marveled at the spontaneity of it all. We even had plenty of time to go back home and chill before heading out to Lisa's office. She seemed to be in far better of a mood than we're used to seeing her and she got to eat the salad and pizza although she did say she didn't like either LOL. AND she got a chance to clean Johnnie's teeth which she didn't get to do last Saturday. Although we did get the bad news that Johnnie had the makings of a couple of cavities! WHAT?!! Lucky for us, his mom is a DENTIST who will fix all that in a timely manner. We went on home and got back our usual Wednesday evening. I easily got to 300+ active minutes already after 3 days this week and in terms of numbers, got in 120/70 for a BP reading. I note that my RHR was high probably because I was fighting off a cold. And I also noted that the cold that had started less than a week ago after the last Wednesday night interaction with Lisa was stopped dead in its tracks by the weekend. As in, I was already pretty much healed by Monday. No medication, no nothing. Just a bunch of healing frequencies for a few days in a row. Says THAT to whoever doubts frequency and energy healing. Including myself. I also note that Thanksgiving week is already NEXT WEEK and it is going to be a much shorter week! A chance to breathe out to be sure. I will take that. Anytime.

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