Sunday, November 13, 2022

Cold Brisk Sunday

We were teeing off early at Penmar this morning. Early as in 8:20 AM. I figured we'd get done early, I'd chill early and I planned on working a little bit on my presentation to the Management team on Tuesday later. I also planned on returning to my good golf play of 2 weeks ago at Roosevelt. I reminded myself that most of that was simply getting myself to relax and singularly focusing on thoughts of a good shot and letting that shot find me whatever the shot circumstance. So I headed off hopeful for a good game. I noted that I was still stuffy from the head cold and was coughing too. And although a full afternoon of healing frequencies did a world of good and improved the symptoms, I was still pretty much in recovery mode. Still I thought it would be a warm day much like yesterday. I had a nice egg and bacon sandwich too. I was ready to go. Until I saw the palm trees swaying much more than usual. And the winds were stronger than usual too. And it was cold. Like Santa Ana winds cold. And I was wearing shorts and a vest. As I walked up to my first tee shot I was oblivious to my own swing I was cold. I was lucky enough to make decent contact. And in fact, lucky enough to get a bogey on that first hole even. We were paired up with a 3-some that we always see play early here at Penmar. So they were just as ok as we were golf wise. I did have an awesome blast off the tee on Hole 2 so I was encouraged. Scott had another bogey on that Hole, I missed my bogey putt and didn't get my point. But I got one on the next hole on 3 even while missing the green short on my tee shot. Hole 4 turned out to be the pivotal hole because I felt like I was starting to get on a roll. And lost my momentum there. I missed on the tee shot but not that badly. I was 160 yards out but could have easily dug myself much closer. That 2nd shot missed badly and ended up on the rough... to my left on the other course. That was a pretty bad miss. I usually whiff right though. That was a bad whiff left. That was the point where I should have slowed myself way down, found my rhythm before I shot. But I didn't and I killed my own momentum. I did ok on the next couple of holes still. Missed a bogey putt, made a bogey putt. I ended up with 4 bogeys in all today. Not too bad. Should have been better but I will take it today. It stayed cold the whole time and Scott even made me wear another layer on top of what I already had on. I kept THAT on until Hole 7. Scott had 5 bogeys. So we didn't do too badly. But we didn't get any pars either. Ok then. At least we got to play.
We got done by 10:20 today. I thought I would go home and immediately take a nap before heading back out for lunch. I thought of Johnnie who was supposed to be with his brothers at their birthday celebration somewhere in the IE. He texted me a picture of his crazy eyes look this morning. Goofy kid thought of me. I had to post it because I was thinking of him too LOL. As it turned out I couldn't relax long enough to nap before lunch. Instead I tried to make seared ahi tuna for lunch and I was thinking I'd have that instead of the salmon kabob I would have had from Crimson (the original plan). I was going to scooter over there but it was so windy cold that idea didn't pan out. I made rice, had golden lentils AND ahi tuna. It wasn't seared exactly like I would have like, but it was a pretty good lunch just the same. And THEN finally after lunch I was able to knock off a nap for about an hour. When I woke up I thought it was the perfect time to maybe get some work in. I did manage to get some of my IS Security slides done. But I also tried to catch up on my journal entries which had fallen behind and that was all I got done. I kept listening to some more healing audios most of the afternoon. And when I looked up it was already getting dark already. Like it was nearly 5 PM. I tried to stay away from watching sports today. I was down from UCLA losing last night, getting upset at home and thereby losing there shot at the college playoffs and getting knocked out of the Top 10. And then without Matt Stafford, the Rams were getting knocked around themselves today. Wow. I didn't think they'd have this bad a start to the season. But of course the worst start of any of the teams I root for is the Lakers, now at 2-10. Today they managed to win against Kevin Durant and the Nets. And without LeBron playing. I didn't end up getting much more done with my presentation. I just did one more trip out to Ralphs for the last time this weekend. It turned out I wasn't feeling any urgency about anything and that was perfectly ok. I have all day tomorrow after all. I simply reflected on the past week. The blip was the Lisa interaction starting Wednesday. But I undid that in my mind. And focused on a much MUCH better and easy week ahead.

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