Monday, November 7, 2022

Rainy Days and Mondays

On the one hand, we DO need the rain here in SoCal since we've suffered through drought conditions for a very long time. So much so folks can't even water their lawns this past summer. And it is perfectly normal for November actually. On the other hand, it's Monday and it's raining and it isn't something I am used to. Usually I'm headed out for a morning walk to get to 5000+ steps before 9 AM. I still did those steps today, albeit indoors and I still got beyond 50 active minutes already, well on the way to 15000 and 150. If ever there was a day that I would miss that mark it would have been last week while I was in Las Vegas. But I didn't miss it then and I'm certainly not going to miss it today, rain and all.  In the meantime, I did get some meditation in and visualized an eezy-peezy week. Although as soon as I concluded meditation, I knew THAT was going to get tested. Not the eezy-peezy part. I knew that was going to happen. I knew though that stuff would come up that would peck at my ego. And true enough I got a call from Eloisa in the afternoon about the ACSI stuff, that company they had signed a contract with to do call center backup. They were flat turned down regarding access to EPIC by EPIC themselves because they are in Mexico. And now it turns out I have to come to the rescue with this shit. And Eloisa almost put the blame on me. At least she isn't blaming Marina she says. Yeah ok. She fucked it up and I have to clean up the mess. Why would it be my fault? I didn't pick the vendor, didn't sign the contract, didn't even work through OCHIN and it's my fault. Hmmm. I reminded myself to calm my EGO down. This interaction will end up a non-event unless I turn it into something otherwise. And so it was. 
The biggest surprise tonight was that Lisa called at 4:30. She had just picked up Johnnie from school. And now apparently Johnnie is anxious to go to Oops for Lisa's birthday dinner.  Usually, Lisa is telling me I come too early to get Johnnie most Mondays. Now she's talking about having dinner by 5 PM and then doing the hand-off right there. Of course I agreed. Of course I hadn't showered today or shaved either so I had to do at least the shave pretty quickly. And then I headed on over to Oops. Mom, son, and dog were already there having seaweed salad. I wondered why Lisa was being agree-able. The only thing I could think of was that she did have Johnnie for the last 2 full days including portions of today. And she was actually READY to hand him off LOL. Kind of like how I feel by Thursday night. Anyway we did have some sushi and we all enjoyed our food and Lisa caught me up on this past weekend's activities. Turned out they went to Johnie's class playdate yesterday at Marine Park. I was glad for that.  At the end of the dinner, The Oops folks even put a candle on Johnnie's mochi to help celebrate Lisa's birthday. She even said she at least felt like her birthday was celebrated. That's good. The funny thing was that it wasn't even 6 PM when we got done with dinner and we had taken our time too. And so I figured we would go to Lisa's to pick up Johnnie's Adidas shoes. So while there, Lisa immediately asked if we could just do a couple of board games, probably realizing herself how early it is. It IS after all the first work day that we're dealing with how early it gets dark now. None of us like it or are used to it just yet I don't think. And so it was that we played 4 rounds of dominoes. I must say that for lack of strategy, Johnnie does pretty well with these games. So much so he won 2 of the rounds! I won the other 2. At least Lisa got her wish of getting us all together to sit down and play. Kind of an impromptu Family Night such as it were. And Johnnie and I still managed to get back before 7:30 PM. Plenty of time for him to do his shows on Netflix. In the meantime, I was almost falling asleep by 9 PM already! I mean I know that just a couple of days ago it was 10 PM, but it wasn't that late really. But I was tired. And that's ok. All it meant was an early night for me too. And with the pitter patter of the rain outside, no need for frequencies in my ear. The rain lulled me to sleep just fine.

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