Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Sun Is Back Out Except at Lisa's Office

It's always the prettiest in SoCal the day after it rains. You wouldn't know that from all the traffic I had to deal with this morning just getting to the FRB. The picture I took from the FRB patio describes it all. It's still all pretty wet actually but the sun was out, the sky was blue and it was starting to warm up again. As far Johnnie went, he was simply glad to wear shorts again and although it was a bit cold first thing, he did convince me that he was doing PE all day today and he had to be able to run around. As far as I was concerned, it was FRB day like I mentioned and the morning was already going to be full with 3 meetings back-to-back-to-back. Just when I thought Wednesdays were starting to get quiet again. Today I won't even have time to get to the gym to get a workout in. Oh well, at least I know I got another nice really-early-morning-meditation session in this morning, trying to follow up on yesterday's release of emotions. It would turn out later on that I still had work that needed to be done. More on that later. I got to the FRB and actually wolfed down a breakfast sandwich from the FRB cafe. How many hundreds of times had I done that before in years past. The only difference was that it wasn't big Mark making the breakfast and we weren't talking sports stuff. I wonder what he's doing now? I did my meetings and the morning went by really quickly in fact. I got caught up in so much work that I had another really really quick lunch wolfing down some cappellini and salmon at the good old FRB cafe again. By the time I got home it was already almost 2:30 PM. Since there was no Spanish class today, there really wasn't any rush to get anywhere. IN fact, when I got home I took in the latest episode of ANDOR. This particular STAR WARS story has some pretty dark spaces, seemingly highlighting how the Empire became ugly and oppressive. I wonder if there is some political commentary there related to real events going on. After all, we are still in the middle of counting votes from the midterm elections. No RED WAVE to be sure but who ended up in control of what? And what of L.A.? Do we have a new mayor? What is sure and definite was that most of the MAGA candidates did not win. Some did, but the vast majority did not. Thank God for that. Or we end up being governed by buffoons. Controlled by the biggest buffoon of them all.
Anyway I picked up Johnnie close to 4:30 PM and then we headed on to Lisa's office by 5 PM. Johnnie no longer has Spanish class on Wednesdays but sometimes I wonder why we come here at all. We're trying to do Lisa a favor to maybe change her mood and disposition for the week. But damn, not at the price of fucking up our own disposition because hers is simply too negative. We get there and she is so into the dozens of things she needs to do in order to run her business and that is perfectly fine and acceptable. But why do we have to sit there doing nothing while waiting for her? Why can't she simply learn to drop what she is doing and just call us when she's ready? Instead we have to HOPE she gets a little click in her sequential brain to signal her that maybe she can stop and have dinner with her son. Who is here for the sole purpose of that very thing. When it became clear that it was going to be difficult to merely pry her out to have dinner, and when Johnnie kept telling her that he was hungry and she seemed oblivious to that, my irritation level went up many notches. Finally we simply told her we were going to go to Panda Express to get her dinner. I hated that. Going to Maria's or Oops was palatable and made it worth it? Panda Express? Not so much. But we did go and get her her dinner and ours too. And when we got back the door was locked. We knocked and knocked and knocked but no response. We could hear her on the phone at the front desk. Would it have been so difficult to say "can you hold on for a second please" and open the fucking door? That triggered me. Pushed me clear over the edge. And then she was still on the phone and Johnnie and I ate together and got done. Finally she was ready to grace us with her presence to join. What the fuck for? We had already eaten. She tried to make conversation and finally be present but it was too late, at least for me. I had no interest in talking at that point. I simply wanted to go home. She picked up on that of course and commented at how irritated I seemed to be. Again, at that point, I was already triggered myself and there was nothing to do but to go home and cool off. As Johnnie said to her himself: "thank you for joining us for a little while, thank you for the chat" and even he KNEW it was time to go. And why not? Without Lisa energy we watched a movie: Space Jam 2 and had popcorn together. We were back to our happy normal selves. It as all good again. I was still annoyed. The emotional trigger caused what I believe to be a dip in my immune system such that my throat got scratchy. See? Work to do still. Work to do.

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