Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The Management Meeting

Really the only blip I have left for work this week and by default for the rest of November, is the Executive Management Committee meeting today. I don't know why really, it's more like a glorified Tech Council Meeting from months past. Then again, I had to prepare big time for those since I do a heck of a lot of explaining in those meetings. It's like I'm supposed to be independent, or is there even any oversight? Or does anyone care really other than when it's time to need data or something? And on that note I was pretty relaxed when I woke up this morning having already done visualization that I was going to do well, and knowing I had my presentation all done and ready to go. And that can be seen as I dropped Johnnie off and I just lingered watching him play with James and Brooklyn (see pic). It's just a reminder that no matter what happens at the Management Meeting, no matter what I am asked to do, no matter how I end up feeling, what matters most is what I posted on the pic. And as long as Johnnie is all good, whatever happens at the meeting is just whatever happens. As it was I will say the meeting went on for a good hour and a half almost. I updated everyone on the Remediation stuff from the Audit, updated everyone on everything OCHIN EPIC and there were a couple of takeaways really. Still with the old story that my IS TEAM is not very skilled in terms of Office 365 and that is fair. But then again, that was never the requirement for them although that is more me being stubborn about what they are supposed to be responsible for. I am expected to be responsible for most everything and at the end of the day I and my team can only do so much. Still, it was me that brought us into this path of Digital Competence so I can't argue that I am also responsible for whatever support is required by that. I took us to the cloud. I also need to help our users at least use our tools competently. Or adequately. That theme also came up with OCHIN EPIC. As I showed that that one system alone represented nearly half of IT Expenses, Eloisa claims it is underutilized. I'm not one to say whether it is or isn't. I think it's up to Operations to get the users to use it. Eloisa wants me to catalyze that, which I can. But I can not champion it. And i don't see a champion on the Exec Team, just a whole bunch of people bugging about when something is due or didn't get done. That is not what I call collaboration or partnering. But that's ok. I accept it because I CAN actually do the job, though I would really want to focus more on my financial exit strategy and self-sufficiency. Work to do.
The meeting got done ok and afterwards my feelings were not really anything about myself, but more about feeling like my IS Team got attacked as inadequate. And my EHR TEAM got  smacked as inadequate as well. When I asked about Lainie being groomed as manager, it was a straight-up NO from Eloisa because they wanted someone more strategic in terms of EPIC. As if someone would qualify for that and accept an FQHC role. Those people would end up as project managers for Cedars-Sinai or UCLA Health or Kaiser permanente. What they have is ME. And what they will get is ME. And I'm ok to do that until I don't have to anymore. At the end of the day I remind myself once again that the thing that matters most is Johnnie and as soon as I got lunch in, I focused on the rest of the day and shut off from work mode. Hey, it IS Tuesday night, the one night where Johnnie and I can just hang all by ourselves on the weeknight anymore. Especially since I gave up WEdnesday night. That means the routine of Panda Express night. Although tonight is Tuesday, and Johnnie had it in his mind that i'm having tacos. So we went to Campos Tacos and picked me up some carne asada tacos for my dinner. Haven't had those in some time! He still got his teriyaki chicken though he had to wait a long time for it at Sawtelle Panda Express. And then it was cookie night so I made some of those. And Johnnie wanted to spend time in the spa/jacuzzi. I was very much ok with that since he was covered in dirt when I picked him up. It was basketball day too and I guess he had hit the deck once or twice. Maybe more the way he had dirt all over himself. Just your average Tuesday. Though it was cold it didn't seem to faze Johnnie at all. And I was glad he was clean now. And we could hang out the couch and spend the rest of the evening watching TV. Especially now that he's found a new Pokemon series to watch. New characters, new dragons, new everything. AND I got him to watch a couple of videos on punctuation and where to put his commas. See? We get productive work in too. Anyway I love our Tuesday nights and we even got to go to bed early tonight. For some reason I was dozing off already by 9 PM. That's ok. I had already had a pretty good day.

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