Sunday, November 27, 2022

Golf Day Johnnie Afternoon

Golf this morning was at Penmar for an 8:40 tee time. But before I even made it out of the house I get a call from Lisa. She's still testing positive and therefore asked me to take Johnnie to James' birthday party at the movies later on today. Since that wasn't until 1 PM, I was happy to pinch hit for her. I had a feeling that was going to end up happening in fact. And so I wanted to make sure I got done at Penmar before 11 AM today which wasn't going to be a problem actually. But how I play? Let's just say that after the first couple of holes, both 6s it was not very promising. Wildly inaccurate on the first hole even with good distance, better in the 2nd hole but still missed my bogey putt. And then we got joined by a two-some on Hole 3 and I started to play better. In fact, I kept harping on a theme... "Its not about the first shot". Hole 3 I whiffed off the tee, but landed the 2nd shot 10 feet from the hole. Missed my par putt but got my bogey. Same on Hole 4. It took 3 medium range shots to get to the green, but I did sink my par putt to get that out of the way. Hole 5 I was on in 2 again but 3-putted from there. 1 missed opportunity. Hole 5 got me a point as again I whiffed off the tee, but blasted my3-wood 2nd shot 200 yards to get right down the fairway. At least I bogeyed the hole. Hole 7 I missed my bogey putt for the 2nd missed opportunity. Hole 8 I'm counting as a par as I was 5 ft from the hole after 2 shots. Hole 9 got me my BEST tee shot all day. But whiffed the next 2 shots to get a 6. And so I did get my 2 pars, 2 more points and 2 missed opportunities. That close to having a really satisfying game. But I was ok with the game regardless. Hey at least I got my pars. I got home by 11:15, quickly cleaned up and then got to Lisa's house to pick up Johnnie by 11:45. 

On to the 2nd part of the day. Of course Lisa would be lollygagging in the front yard. She's still sick after all. But here is where I get conflicted. She can barely take care of herself at this point, Johnnie is with her strictly for company because she is alone. But is he really being taken care of? Not like I do to be sure. But it IS her turn and so I have to let it go. And trust that she has energy to be mom. The rest of the afternoon I will simply post pictures as Johnnie had a pretty fun day at the movies with practically half his class. 

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