Monday, November 28, 2022

November Winding Down

We're back to Monday after the long Thanksgiving weekend and I woke up thinking about Johnnie and hopefully him getting to school considering Lisa is still sick. I wanted to offer to take him but since she was very emotional about not having him for even the 4 hours he was at James' bday party I thought it best that I leave it alone. Gotta trust that she's going to do what's best right? In the meantime, what's best for me is to focus on the week, focus on what I want to have happen this week, and my outcomes for. today. It should be a fairly easy week actually since I don't see anything looming in the schedule. There are pending tasks and projects of course but then again there always is. I also notice that there was still some residual fear and worry about not doing my job well, which I do realize now is just residue from some old programming. The key with those is to simply waft through those thought forms without giving them any more focus other than to acknowledge that they are simply there but that they do not actually have any power. As in I have the choice to go to the root cause, which is the program that I am not enough and the program that I have to constantly prove myself. I know I can transcend those easily now. I simply have to focus on my ENOUGH-NESS and how the UNIVERSE has my back regardless of whatever it is that is going on. Still they do come up almost constantly as if I am being tested all the time and the ego is waiting for me to capitulate. Which is what I need to strengthen ... my focus and to constantly keep up the mental dieting throughout the day. Oh and I also want to keep up with the 150 active minutes and 15000 steps today though I do note that even with Thanksgiving week last week I still managed over 600 active minutes and over 80000 steps. It was as if I didn't have an off-day at all. And so somehow through all the work stuff, and exercise stuff, and audio stuff, the theme for today started to revolve around healing. Lisa called me to ask me to pick up Johnnie since she was apparently outed by her own son that she had COVID. She didn't want to make an appearance at the school and I didn't blame her. But talking to her and listening to her frustration about being sick, I do wonder that with all these distinctions I am learning about healing myself, I really should also learn how to heal others. On that note I sent her a distance reiki audio. Just like I sent Dexter an audio. But sometimes people are simply not ready. And although I probably come off as woo-woo nuts about that stuff, I simply need to use my own health as the example. Being as healthy as possible and ridding myself of all those symptoms of aging we all buy into is how Im going to be an example. 
And so I cut my day short and picked up Johnnie at STAR around 4 PM. I knew I still had to drive him over to Lisa's if only to pick up his computer, to pick up Claire, and to pick up Fuzzy. It also meant that I had to hang out at Lisa's for a bit. And so I decided that we would make a stop to pick up dinner for mom and son and we could all sit together for that. Off to Panda Express we went to get Johnnie's teriyaki chicken and to get vegetables and rice for Lisa. I opted out of getting myself a dinner simply because I didn't feel like eating Panda Express tonight. I'm sure I'm going to be eating it at some point during the week though. As it turned out, Lisa was still positive <Johnnie tested negative> for Covid and is now going to call in sick tomorrow. She is day by day in terms of coming back to work and I do feel for her, which is why I was here tonight going through her Monday routine with Johnnie. She went over his homework, did some reading with him. Got him to clean up whatever mess he had left. And of course we had dinner. Or rather, they did while I attended to an urgent work matter. Nothing out of the ordinary, just one more staffer quitting abruptly that we had to turn off access for. I still wonder how it is that we lose staff that quickly and easily considering how much we are begging for people to come work for us. I have 2 open manager positions and I have barely gotten anyone that qualifies. Anyway I stuck around until almost 7 PM. I thought that was fair and that was the usual time I would normally come on any other Monday anyway. We decided that we would leave Claire to keep Lisa company through tomorrow.  My plan was to stop at El Pollo Loco to pick up MY dinner. But there was a very rare long line backed up there and so I rerouted us home and decided spontaneously to make a stop at that Chinese restaurant on Centinela and Washington since it was on the way home. I remembered I enjoyed egg foo young at that place almost a year ago. I figured it's time to get some more of that stuff again. And so it was that I had some really good egg foo young this evening. It reminded me of many a dinner at First Szechuan egg foo young back in the day when we were living in Westwood. Johnnie was such a celebrity there too. Fond memories to be sure. Johnnie and I ended up watching the old school Lion King together tonight. I don't know what made him want to watch it really. First that movie yesterday <Strange World> sure had some deep Father-son subject stuff. And now Lion King with its Father and son stuff. Not that I am complaining. Probably an early warning headway into similar talks with Johnnie. Like tonight about not divulging his mom's exact illness and to let his mom tell other people that if she so chose. All in all it turned into an eezy-peezy Monday but mainly because I chose not to focus on work stuff LOL. Plenty of time for that I thought. I AM in the middle of a couple of implementations already aren't I? It also meant an early night for Johnnie and I. And I, for one, welcomed more than 6 hours of sleep that I usually get when he's in the house. Just like how Lisa feels I'm sure, when Johnnie is here, all is well. Monday in the books...

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