Saturday, November 5, 2022

Down Time

The entire month of October seemed to be a real busy one didn't it. So much so I don't remember a Saturday in the entire month that I wasn't with Johnnie for a significant amount of time. And if I wasn't with him I was doing something for one of his many activities for the month. So it may have been a bit of a shock to wake up this morning and realize there was nothing to do. No activity to go to, or prep for, no need to even go to Lisa's house to watch him since she didn't ask. It felt like a Friday where I had cleared my schedule and I could just take it easy and chill for the ENTIRE day. And why not? It had been a really good week hadn't it? And now we have the last birthday of the trifecta to do next week, which is Lisa's birthday. But Lisa and I hadn't made any kind of a deal at all when it came to our birthdays so I'm sure I'll just be on the hook for a dinner or something. And that wasn't today. Today I started the day with a nice mug of hot tea and some eggs for breakfast and that wasn't until it was almost 8 AM already. By then I had had a nice hour long meditation session. I could have done that for the entire day in fact since the only thing I wanted to do today was do grocery shopping. Of course workaholic me kind of took over in the middle of the morning and I found myself doing work. Yep, work. I approved timecards, downloaded COVID virus data from EPIC, and did stuff I could have waited until Monday to do. But then again since I finished them today, then I won't have to do them on Monday right? That would be the timecards (check, check, and check), my expense reports, AND the HRSA survey. All done by this morning. I thought about cleaning the house actually but instead I traded that in for doing all the laundry today too. Again all done by early afternoon.  
I did do some hygiene stuff, namely giving myself a haircut and cutting my nails. Yes that is how "busy" my day was. And when I looked up it was already 5 PM. Wow. I had lollygagged my entire day away. In the meantime things were seemingly going on around me though I was pretty oblivious to it. My neighbors Monica and Craig next door were moving out. Apparently they had broken up a month ago. I think I remember it happening while Lisa was doing her own stupid stuff trying to knock off to sleep in her truck at the leasing office parking lot. They were parked there too. I can't say I'm not glad to see Monica go since she had been weird to me about coming up to knock on my door asking to stop something. She must have thought I was following her around. Weird girl. I do hope whoever moves in is nice. Or at least quiet. Attractive and single female and a little older would be good too. LOL. And so it was that I finally looked at another awesome sunset at the end of the day. That's because it was the first time I had left the house all day. And only because I had a package in the Leasing Office. And then finally I headed out to Trader Joe's and did grocery shopping.  I thought about doing steps too. Thought about it. I hadn't given myself downtime about that in a very long time. As in I hadn't not done 10,000 steps at least or 60 active minutes in any single day in years except if I was feeling pain of some sort (like when I hurt my back or when I was experiencing all that bleeding stuff) and even then it was only for a day or so. Today I didn't do 10,000 steps. I didn't do 30 active minutes. I told myself to simply not care. To be okay with not being in control. And the funny thing was even though I had such low daily numbers I was still on track to do at least 560 active minutes for the week and at least 78,000 steps. And without trying to catch up even. Like last night I was okay with simply making myself spaghetti and bolognese a la Arnel, which I hadn't made for myself in months! I think my body will be okay if I ate a little more indulge food. I know how to eat to bring down numbers anyway. Besides, for some reason the videos I watched today all were pointing towards anti-aging. Something to do research on, and maybe systematizing some affirmations. After all, health issues are more or less related to stress, and the aging process. And the aging process is simply the body not getting proper information that it used to get. All undo-able I think. Finally, I watched UCLA win again to go  8-1 on the season. They had already matched last season's # of wins. And should get a couple of more. After last night's loss (Lakers) I'm glad one team I'm rooting for is winning. And so it was that I had myself a proper do-nothing day today. And it felt really really good.

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