Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Just Another Tuesday

I had a nice restful sleep last night and I'm wondering if that was simply a function of the audios I selected for all night listening. I know I didn't get up until almost 4 PM and then didn't wake up again until it was already almost 6:45. I didn't even have time to shower since by that time I had to get Johnnie ready for school. We will see if trying it again tonight yields the same result. In the meantime, Tuesday affords me the opportunity to not push so hard while working from home. I mean I do have the MAS100 implementation testing and upgrade meeting in the morning, and then my own IS Team Meeting in the afternoon. But those were the very bare minimum to  still feel like I accomplished something today. There's always a lot on my plate and sometimes I am aware that I get feelings that I'm not doing a good enough job. But then again I have always felt that my 50% is already more than most people's 100%. Or is that my ego trying to convince me I am better than what I believe myself to be? Isn't that good?  I think it IS good just as long as I don't let that same ego be too much in control. I note to myself that the goal had always been to be able to create income that sustains my current lifestyle without having to have a job or without having to work more than a couple of hours a day. I mean that whole working really really hard bit was some misguided program. Yes you have to put effort and focus in something in order to get results. But it has always been ok to love what you do so much that it doesn't even feel like work at all. And besides, I remind myself that the focus has now shifted to raising Johnnie and doing that right. I see that he affects his world somehow and that he will grow into a Force of Nature and so I want to make sure that he uses his talents and use them responsibly. In the meantime, he can also have as much fun as he already does with his friends at school. And be his usual jovial self when he's home with me. AND in the meantime, I can also cruise doing my thing at home even if for today it's still to do stuff for my job. Cruise meant eating leftover egg foo young for lunch while watching the last few minutes of the USA-Iran World Cup Match. Hey US won! They go on to the Round of 16!! Awesome.
The day went by pretty quickly especially after the IS Team Meeting and I also noted I was behind on my steps regimen today. I wasn't that worried. I proved last week that I can catch up on 3000 - 4000 steps pretty easily in less than an hour. And I'm sure I will get to do that later on. I picked up Johnnie at 4:15 PM and already we both knew we would have to pick up dinner for Lisa since she had asked that we come by today to pick up Claire the dog. I was ok with that. Very transparent that she wants to see Johnnie again and that's ok. She is still stinging from not having him on Thanksgiving Day for sure. And so we picked up dinner for all and they were all different too. I picked up tacos for me. Taco Tuesday you know. And then I convinced Johnnie to have some udon and then some rice with the beef onion broth over it <I get to have the beef part!>. And then I got some mushroom veggie ramen for Lisa from the stand next to the udon stand at Mitsuwa. It's been a while since we've all eaten there hasn't it. And so we went to Lisa's where we were all able to have another dinner together. Lisa still sounds sick, but since Johnnie keeps testing negative, then I don't really have any issues about it. It is SHE that has the weakened immune system. Ours is fine. She was actually making an apple crisp when we dropped by. And she was in a good mood because she had gone shopping with her mom in Santa Monica and picked up a new jacket for herself. Has she NOT figured out that if she's in a shitty mood, all she has to do is go shopping like most women on the planet? A pretty sexist statement? I think not. Anyway we had dinner and Johnnie helped his mom make the apple crisp <see pic> and I did steps in the background that no one could detect. Got all the way to 7500 steps so I did catch up. And Lisa got to do some reading with Johnnie on his latest Pokemon book. A win-win-win for all. Lisa is actually going back to work tomorrow. It had been almost 2 weeks. And we get Claire again. It's been more than a week. I can't say I missed her but that's ok too since Johnnie prefers her being around. Just another Tuesday after we got home. And it is still all good.

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