Thursday, November 17, 2022

Week Is Already Wound Down

Johnnie woke up this morning and walked to my bedroom and asked if he could lie in bed with me for a little while. How can you say NO to that. I will never tire of that. And so we were both on the computer watching our respective funny stuff and that's how we woke up today. That's how we roll LOL. I got him ready for school, made his lunch, dropped him off, even hung around for just a bit to watch him stroll into class. Because that's how I roll, and I consider those simple things a highlight of the day since so many things come up during the day that make you forget. I can't believe that in a week it will already be Thanksgiving and that the holiday season will be in full swing. That also means I can maybe take a bit of a break the rest of this week even though there are still so many things going on. Stuff going on at E3 with our network. Yet another 3rd party vendor asking for for access to EPIC. Just work. I did the minimum necessary to feel productive today actually. That meant doing my EHR Team Meeting, and I actually called them twice today. And then the Penelope stuff with Erica. The needle definitely moved forward there as we're finding out stuff as we go. And that's ok. That's the way it's supposed to be. In the meantime, the PLAY OF THE MORNING was the shrimp and spinach fried rice I made myself for lunch. I had all this food in the fridge I hadn't made all week. And though I didn't totally feel like making anything today, I also didn't want to have to throw them out either. I noticed that I was feeling very much calmer today, maybe from the SATS meditation stuff I've been doing just as soon as I am no longer in unconscious sleep. I had been working on releasing FEAR wherever it was trapped in my body. I believe that in doing so it has also affected me in other ways. Like I am not in such a hurried, impatient state. Might I even say it's attracting more positive interactions into my day. But we will test that later on when Lisa picks up Johnnie LOL. 
In the meantime, I picked him up from STAR really early because of Spanish class. They worked on constructing full sentences today. Johnnie has picked up a bunch of words, but he still needs to work on his sentences, just as he needs to work on his punctuation and commas when it comes to writing. Tonight I made him chicken and rice. Not like Lisa makes but I think I do just fine with my version. It's more like fried chicken tenders, but they're really really good. He ate at least 4 large pieces, more than he would eat if I bought them from Jack-in-the-Box. For some reason I was stuck on the notion that he is severly underweight. But he is not lacking for appetite I know that much. He ate all his eggs and bacon and pancakes this morning. He had a slice of pizza for lunch and he ate all his chicken and rice tonight. AND asked for a snack afterwards too. No the issue is most definitely not his appetite. Lisa called around 7 PM and apparently she didn't go to piano lessons in Pasadena. She had just stuck around at her office writing notes and her voice was noticeably upbeat because she did so. Talk about attracting a positive interaction. She came by and picked up Johnnie and there was no dark cloud, no whining complaining, or cussing. She actually looked very happy to see Johnnie. He had worked on his balloons for tomorrow's parade all evening and was most proud to show it off. Now THIS is the way our hand-offs should be! I went back to the house early enough to finish my 11,000 steps and got in 70+ active minutes. And then for whatever reason I ended up watching THE GIRL WHO KICKED THE HORNETS NEST. I had never seen it. And I watched it until the end. Which meant I didn't go to bed until almost midnight. That's ok. I'll catch up later on. It had been a pretty good day and all was most definitely good.

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